OK, I admit, I didn't actually read this story.
It's not really necessary because my point really isn't about the story...but about the story about the story, if you see what I mean.
Of course you don't...here's what I'm talking about:
Richard Dawkins, about whom this particular piece was written, is obsessed with religion. As are all the big neo-atheists.
They remind me of "Black-Studies" majors. Their entire field of study is all about "Me".
They are hysterically "evangelical" about their atheism. They can't stop trying to convince us all that we are stupid, lame, unscientific, unsophisticated hicks if we have faith in anything we can't see or measure or weigh or dissect.
They are absolutely passionate about it. They are driven, mad, fervid, frenzied...
...all to convince us that there is no spiritual dimension to life.
What's up with that??
Does it strike anybody as odd that they're so anxious, so desperate to convince us?
Surely there is a model for this sort of behavior. Surely, if modern psychology were not so in the pocket of atheism, it might arch an eyebrow at its hysterical missionary zeal to convert us all to their point of view.
Surely that model is one of insecurity, fear, uncertainty....the desperate need to convince us, in order to reassure themselves that they are right.
Most believing Christians don't feel the need to browbeat others into belief. Their faith does not depend on the constant reinforcement of approval or acceptance of others.
But I think that the shaky, uncertain hold on "nothing" of the atheists needs exactly that. And that's why they are so consumed by trying to make us all disbelieve what they disbelieve.
I mean, it's their problem and all, and it's unfortunate, but they just do get a little annoying from time to time, like the droning of too many mosquitoes.
Give it a rest, boys.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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