According to Gallup, Obie and McCain are tied at 44% in the Presidential race.
How is this possible after the orgy of glory that the Drive-By Drunken Sluts showered on Obie during his European Tour...er visit?
I'll tell you. It's because Americans aren't as stupid as Europeans or "journalists". Because our heads are actually located somewhere outside our asses. Because Joe six-pack is smarter, drunk, that any ten New York "journalists" on Focus Factor brain enhancer, on their best day, combined.
We mostly just roll our eyes at the bullshit the Drunken Sluts spew. And we ignore Europeans altogether.
There really aren't too many Americans outside New York and San Francisco...and the Drunken Sluts of the media who think Europeans are really all that. Mostly we see them as a bunch of pansies who are afraid of guns, whose toughest sport is soccer, who drink out of tiny-little cups, prance and preen in fancy, too-tight clothes, drive silly cars, are afraid of real work, invented nihilism, communism, socialism, fascism, humanism, and are surrendering to Islamism without a fight...and lecture us on table manners and cheese.
Europeans are crazy for Obie. Not really such a compliment when you consider they loved Mussolini, Hitler, Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Chavez, Che and John Kerry.
We are not impressed. Seriously. Not. The only thing that happened as a result of the European love fest is that Obie has managed to hold on to a tie with dopey McCain, who hasn't said or done anything of consequence since Viet Nam.
Wow, Obie. Good show. If you can keep this momentum going, you might end up with a shot at dog-catcher back in the 'hood. As long as there's nobody actually running against you, that is.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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