Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I don't have the words...

If we end up living like cavemen because we are completely out of the energy that runs our culture...will dolts like this asshole outlaw "fire" because it pollutes the air?

Did they like the movie "The Road Warrior" so much they want to create it in real life?

Must we revert to apes swinging in the trees before these misanthropes are satisfied that we have a right to exist?

Or will they outlaw that as well, as a danger to the trees?

The Gunslinger


  1. This is broadcast around the world.I'd hate Americans,too,if this was all I knew.Beyond embarassing.Can't decide to laugh or cry.

  2. A third possibility comes to mind, and though it would be a gloriously permanent fix...it's also illegal.

  3. Random thought:

    Global warming meme inserted into popular thought to legitimize govt meddling, restrict public thought. If we're all 'in this together' in the 'threat' of global warming, then the enviroStasi meddling is 'for our own good'. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

  4. Of COURSE,AD,that's the plan.Past American generations would not have stood for this,too self-reliant.Love the scenes in movie "Forever Young" (Mel Gibson) as thawed-out 40s-guy reacts to the Modern Attitudes in little ways (fixing a roof,taking care of abusive boyfriend,making a meal out of what's around,Jamie Lee Curtis' character blabbing on about personal stuff he doesn't want to know,etc.).Makes a point as to changes in attitudes in a subtle way (personal vs. public-the line has been erased WAY too much).This,I feel,is the main sickness of our culture,the crux of Every current Issue.The Left came up with that "The personal is political" jive in the 60s,this is the reason for all the whiney bs that passes for political dialogue and news coverage nowadays.Juvenile.Our parents and those before had harder lives,yet had more optimistic songs,art,literature,etc.We have it easier,yet bellyache more,and as you imply,can't wait to turn decision-making over to bureaucrats.This disproves any evolution theories,as does any true study of history.Circular,not linear."Meet the New Boss..."(The Who),as well as The Kinks'"Preservation" lps.

  5. EnviroStasi! OMG, great term.

    Of course, most of them are so ill-educated, they won't recognize the reference.

    TJ...many dittos. Absolutely and Amen.

  6. Glad you like it, GS. Not that they'd recognize it, no. Those lemmings can't think anything but 'Nazi' or 'Fascist' when they want to call something 'evil'. All that money they give to Big Government and environment campaigns, you'd think they could afford a dictionary, an encylopedia, something.
