Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Generally An Asshole Clark

I can't stand Wesley Clark. But I just don't see the problem with:

"I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president."

I quite agree with it. I said something very similar while McCain was still just one of many potential candidates. Getting shot down may mean you're just not a very good pilot. I don't see how it possibly qualifies you for the presidency.

I have a friend who loves McCain and can't wait to vote for him, because he's a War Hero. I'm not sure how getting your airplane shot down and spending time in a prison is much of a preparation for running the country. For years he didn't even run his own latrine schedule.

I don't think Clark was issuing a personal insult, like all the McCain monkeys want to have us believe. I think he was stating a bald and true fact.

I question his slimy motives, of course, because he is, well, a douchey slime-ball. But that has no bearing on the truth or untruth of the statement itself, which is perfectly obviously perfectly true.

The Gunslinger


  1. I think the point is missed.Perserverance under those conditions is not something to be lightly scoffed at,as "witty" and smart-ass as that tact can seem from our cozy little lives.I had same sarcastic thoughts,then I reflected.He didn't "ride" in a fighter plane-sometimes,no matter how good or bad a pilot one is,you get shot down.What happened afterwards for survival was important.How many of us could survive that and not break down under torture?Whatever else happened to McCain in political hackery,that feat should not be diminished.

  2. Nor is Obama disqualified by his total lack of executive experience, at the city, county, state, and federal level. Just because he never has done anything of particular note, doesn't mean that he can't.

    Barack is probably just pacing himself.

  3. Once again Wes shows why he is known as the Alfred E Newman of the United States Army.

  4. I'm not saying McCain's ordeal didn't show character and courage. I'm just saying that it doesn't necessarily prepare him to be president.

    As for the minstrel act.

    ...just NO!

  5. Low and slow...didn't Clark get bounced from Bosnia for generally being an idiot?

    I gather he's all about politics and grooming, instead of warfare and victory.

  6. He got bounced from Bosnia for using the N word as in we may need to Nuke this place,which instantly made alota jaws drop and Clinton suck air...and yeah I believe hes all about politics and as a man without a brain he'd fit right in.

  7. Dear Gunslinger,
    An article: "Do you know any heroes around here?" at majorityrights.com may be of interest.

  8. Thanks, Teach. I'll check it out.

  9. Teach, I think that there is a likelihood that without Hitler Nazism might have been no worse than Italian Fascism, which was, before the war, widely admired.

    Unfortunately, Hitler, being the face and father of Nazism, forever stains it. Even many individual honorable Nazi heroes cannot remove that indelible and fatal black mark.

    I agree that there could possibly be, in time, some rehabilitation of "Fascist"...but never "Nazi."

  10. History is messy.My ex-mother-in-law,who was 3 when Nazis invaded Yugoslavia,was put into labor camp with her mother,and were guarded by Italian soldiers.The Italians kept sneaking food to their prisoners, with apologies.On the other hand,I'm sure the father of an Ethiopian woman I've currently gotten "close to" would have horror stories passed from HIS father about Italian attrocities from back when.I daren't ask,tho he does have woeful stories of Ethiopian-on-Ethiopean violence.It's why he's here.AND,my ex-mother-in-law had a visiting German cousin same age who was choralled into the Hitler Youth.My soon-to-be ex-wife said "How can you talk to her?She's evil".Ex-MIL answered "Tina,there was no choice for her".Forces beyond one's control.I disagree about possible rehabilitation of Fascism;after all wasn't Mussolini's credo "Nothing above The State,nothing outside The State,nothing below The State"?And he NEVER made the trains run on time.Even if he had,the loss of liberty would not have been worth efficiency.He began as a Socialist,"Nazi" was slang for "National Socialism"---dirty little secret of the Left...

  11. Of course you are right about "national socialism". And it always amuses me (and saddens me) to see many "White Power" types in the U.S., who consider themselves to be the polar opposite of the cringing Communist Left, defending National Socialism a though it were a political panacea.

    Stupid is as stupid does.
