Who Is Really Responsible For The High Prices You Pay For Gasoline?
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, May 12, 2008 4:20 PM PT
For the last 28 years, Democrats in Congress and a few Republicans have again and again opposed our drilling for oil in Alaska's ANWR area when we knew it contained at least 10 billion barrels of oil we could be using now.
* For the past 31 years, Congress repeatedly prevented us from building any new oil refineries that we now badly need.
* More recently, congressional Democrats defeated and discouraged any bill that would let us drill in the deep sea 100 miles out. However, it's somehow OK for China to drill there.
* As a further indictment of our Congress, since the 1980s it has continually stopped all building of nuclear power plants while France, Germany and, yes, Japan, plus 12 other major nations, did build plants and now get 20% to 80% of their energy from their wise and safe nuclear plant investments.
* From 1990 to 2000, U.S. crude oil demand rapidly accelerated by 7.41 quadrillion BTUs, according to Department of Energy data. And our rate of foreign oil dependency dramatically increased while our domestic oil production steadily declined.
Under the eight Clinton years alone, U.S. oil production declined 1,349,000 barrels per day, or 19%, while our foreign imports increased 3,574,000 barrels per day, or 45%.
During this time, President Clinton vetoed ANWR drilling bills that would have clearly made Alaska our No. 1 state in the production of our own vitally needed oil supply, not only for all Americans but also for national defense emergencies.
So were Democrats and members of Congress together merely short-sighted, with only a few having any real business experience?
Or were they just ignorant about economics - the fact that the law of supply and demand determines the price of all commodities such as oil, steel, copper and lumber?
Or were they simply and utterly irresponsible and incompetent in their actions that led us to become dangerously dependent on increasing oil imports from foreign countries?
We think it was "all of the above."
The unintended consequence of the Congress members' poor judgment and meddling micromanagement of U.S. energy policy is that they actually hurt most the very people they always profess to be able to help - the average American consumer, lower-income workers and those in the inner city who can't afford an extra $100 a month to drive to and from their jobs.
Democrats kowtowed to the wishes of their environmental supporters over the basic needs of 300 million American citizens.
It is a national disgrace that all they now know how to do is relentlessly criticize, complain and condemn. They always attempt to blame, investigate and scapegoat someone else, in this case U.S. oil companies, when Congress is the true villain of ineptness for constantly blocking and obstructing every effort for us to become more productive and less dependent on foreign oil.
Do those now in Congress really think Middle America's voters are so gullible that they will believe that its latest best and brightest answer to increasing our supply of oil and gas is to slap a 25% windfall penalty tax on oil companies and remove all other incentives for oil companies to drill and explore for oil?
The right time to release oil from, or stop adding to, our Strategic Petroleum Reserve is not now. That will do nothing to increase our ongoing oil supply needs and will have limited affect on oil prices while increasing our national security risks.
Only after we first announce to the world a bold new change in our policy by proclaiming that we intend to begin drilling in ANWR and selected outer sea areas, plus adopt new conservation programs, will the release of oil from our reserves have a major impact on breaking the price of oil.
If our congressional leadership can't muster the courage to begin reversing past mistakes now and allow our companies to drill in ANWR and off-limits offshore areas, and build essential refineries and safe nuclear power plants, what will an even-more-discredited Congress do in 2009, 2010 and 2011, when millions of new city dwellers in China and India will be driving the cars their countries are now producing, thereby materially increasing their already huge demand for oil and gas?
It's wake-up time for America. Maybe we should investigate the blame-throwing investigators in Congress.
Comment: They should all be shot for treason. They are driving the country into ruin.
The Gunslinger

Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
The bitch of it is, even if we got the go ahead to start punching holes tomorrow, it would be six years minimum before we would realize any benefit from these 'off limits' oil fields.
ReplyDeleteThe ridiculousness of levying a windfall profits tax on the oil companies defies logic. 10% profit is not a windfall. To maintain a 10% profit and thereby keep investors happy, the tax will be passed on to everyone that has to fill up a fuel tank.
And please don't buy into the idea that our presidential candidates are going to help us out by suspending the Federal Excise Tax on fuel. Highways still have to be maintained so the money will simply come from another pocket.
The bastards are driving us to our knees. Unfortunately they've made it so it can't help but get worse before it has a chance to get better.
I'm getting to take your great blogs for granted,GS,forgive me (y'know-sun rises,babies are born,GS writes another precise,concise observation...).Thank you!Heard Leno bit recently where he quoted Demos saying new drilling wouldn't help our situation for 10 years-punchline was "they said that 10 years ago!"Guess "prudent" isn't a word in Democrat or Republican lexicon these days.
ReplyDeleteBeat this drum loud and hard and keeping beating it!!! To say the estimate that it would be 10 years before new resources would come online is fallacious would be kind.
Just the passing of such a forward thinking initiative would have an immediate effect in signaling to all the anti American oil producers that we are done putting up with their blackmail. The world denies the truth that the worlds economic engines are driven by the American Economy. We sneeze and the world catches a cold. The ONLY reason China even has an economy is because of Wal Mart .. and the ONLY reason India has an economy is because they are our phone tech support.
We have to start exploring on our own. The ONLY candidate that even had a half way sound energy plan was Mike Huckabee. He wanted nuclear.. coal to oil.. off shore exploration .. and ANWAR drilling.
But unfortunately.. the conservative pundits ate their own there without even realizing he was the best shot we have had in white house since RR
Take care and God Bless
Bill Henry
Blame liberals for the lack of refineries and oil exploration; and offering only solar power and riding a bike to work as solutions for energy supply problems.
ReplyDeleteBut you need to blame conservatives for having a disdainful attitude toward energy conservation, and being overly confident that human ingenuity and technology would keeping leading to new oil supplies.
we need it all, and we needed it yesterday.
ReplyDeleteNuclear =yes
Clean Coal=yes
Gulf drilling=yes
Alaska drilling=yes
Alternate energy=yes
Democrats have also played the useful idiots by standing in the way of building refinaries enabling the 'mother of all oil monopolies' to continue in the USA. Don't forgot Exxon Mobile merged during Clintons watch, and fuel prices within 8 months started its steady and relentless rise.
Enviromental wackos surely have a raging case of cognitive dissonance...Al Gore, flying around in his Gulf Stream and rolling 'fat' in his SUV convoys...while excusing himself by buying carbon credits...the equilavent of indulgences Cathalic 'Pardoners' used to sell to the faithful to allow them to sin with inpunity.
Too logical. Not a chance the asshats will "get" it.