The previous post got me thinking. We have a really stupid situation vis a vis race in America. We've gotten so lost in the nonsense, and the posing and the crap we've lost sight of the simple truth.
We're all a bunch of racists.
Now I'm not saying this in an accusatory way. Just as a fact. A fact we need to come to grips with.
I dare anyone to try to pretend that Blacks aren't racist. The antics of the "reverend" Jeremiah Wright puts paid to that nonsense. As does the hilariously and obviously racist nearly 100% vote for Obie among Blacks.
At least no one has had the stupidity to suggest that it has "nothing to do with skin color". It has to do with nothing else. We all know it. Whites are generally just being more or less polite enough not to cram it into their faces too crassly.
(The same cannot be said for the other side, who persist, as usual, in hurling the accusation.)
OK. Let's just get over the fact that we're all racists. It's just true...Black, White, Yellow, Brown. We all prefer our own kind as a general rule. It doesn't have to be negative or destructive, it just is what it is. Often we like each least individual members of other races. But we mostly like to hang with our own color. I mean, you can't help but notice: neighborhoods, bars, cafeterias...wherever people are allowed to self-segregate, they do.
The weirdest thing about it is that we find it so weird. It's so perfectly natural.
Now, there a lot of things that are natural that we control in our behavior. We don't defecate in the road...or mate in the town square. But we still defecate and mate. We just do it in a way that doesn't gross out everyone else. Same with racism. Whites have learned that doing it in public just makes for a nastier, lower culture, and so we don't do it in the road—or the town square. That makes us civilized human beings, not hypocrites. I mostly prefer to be around White people who speak English, but I don't make a big deal of it around people of different races and languages. I try to be nice and get along.
Isn't that really good enough? Isn't that all anyone can reasonably ask? And shouldn't we all get brownie points for behaving well, especially since we're fighting against natural instincts? Why should anyone be policing my thoughts? Why should anyone demand I feel differently than I feel, especially when it's perfectly obvious they feel the same way?
And shouldn't we appreciate the efforts made by each other? Shouldn't Blacks appreciate the attempt at courtesy and acceptance made by Whites? And Vice Versa?
Rather than teasing out and condemning every minor manifestation of natural racism, let's celebrate the great and difficult restraint we all demonstrate every day in trying our best to get along.
Wouldn't we be happier, more grateful people if we looked at it this way?
If we did, being resentful, accusatory, antagonistic and demanding perfection would be understood to be utterly counter-productive..serving only to stir rather than quiet the natural urge to racism.
Demanding the "end" of racism is as stupid as demanding the "end" of walking upright.
Let's get over the idea that people shouldn't be racists, and just accept the fact that they are, and all do our best not to let the natural tendencies manifest too strongly, and move on.
And let's try to be reasonable, and not stupid. Let's not...any color...push the issue with such abandon that it results in the excitement rather than the calming of racial tensions.
Constant agitation just serves to create resentment which will find an outlet that nobody wants. It always does.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
You might be racist (if you say you are I'm not going to argue), but I certainly am not, and I have a hard time believing most of the US is, either.
ReplyDeleteSure there're a minority Blacks who make a lot of noise about trivialities... case in point, some of the strongest lawyer-activists in the country come to the student's aid and it's cleared up within a few months. Justice served.
On the other hand you have a minority of Whites who are racist bigots. These people stir up just as much trouble... relatively little. They are also similarly dealt with fairly (usually losing any credibility before the government even gets involved). Justice served.
These groups are both small portions of the Black/White population. America needs to move one to the stuff that matters: poverty and education, dammit!
Another great post GS
ReplyDeleteAgree totally, that civility demands civil behavior, but most of us prefer members of our own tribe.
I like members of other ethnic groups, and we all get along, but there is a cultural divide that is difficult to articulate. I guess thats what everyone is calling racism. To your point there are different degrees of it, but it really is the norm, and why should we immerse ourselves in white guilt because of it. If we make a point to treat everyone fairly, to do our best to see things from anothers point of view...yes, that should be enough.
I do know this, I would much prefer to have Walter Williams as a brother in law than Ted Kennedy. Some things even transend race
Jag, you entirely missed the point. Read the damn post again.
ReplyDeleteBosco, you got it in one! Welcome, brother. Ditto on WW vs TK!
Naw, I understand your post well enough.
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE prefers their own race or ethnic group.It's a matter of shared cultural and social values and history,how we came to be where/who we are.That in itself isn't a bad thing.What's truly shitty are those who barter in it to gain power-usually using "poverty & education" issues NOT to fix the problem,but to affix blame,and "give us more money"."Anonymous" is correct-what most call racism is cultural divide.To me,the best approach is-I'm not gonna force MY values down your throat,respect mineignore it,whatever-just don't be a liberal Fascist,always trying to force everyone to YOUR worldview.Didn't work for the Communists,won't work for the snob elitist socialists in this country.Italian friend of mine once noted that the only socialists he saw in US were trust fund babies,not one working class prole in the bunch.He was right.I don't give a shit what one's politics are,I notice how they tip the waiter/waitress,or how they treat other people-there's the giveaway as to their true character.Sorry,ex-wife was waitress,and good NY Lib she was,she couldn't help noting that Blacks are the worst tippers.
ReplyDeleteLMAO, the waiters and waitresses in Memphis hate it when the Black Baptist conventioneers descend on their fair city.