Here is a perfect example of the tender-hearted kid-gloves that professional journalists...even opinion writers of the Wall Street Journal...use toward Odious Obie.
This article takes the position that Obie is "confused", "uninformed", "mistaken" about one of the most important issues in our national life: Free Market Economics.
[Let's review: This man is running for President of the United States.]
What on earth could have lead this obviously bright writer to this absurd conclusion?
Obie intends to do the exact thing that will harm our economy the most. Yet this writer assumes that Obie has "good intentions", but is just "mistaken". Uh-uh. Obie is stupid; and arrogant in his ignorance. He is controlled by an agenda that prevents learning anything new, anything that conflicts with his fantasy view of the world. And that is an intentional frame of mind in an adult.
I know because I was just like that before my great conversion. And it only happened because I was forced by circumstances to actually listen to what my "opponents" said. Not just nod politely and wait for my turn to speak...but actually, really, listen. And I realized that against all I'd ever known, or expected, or believed...they were right.
Obie has no intention of doing any such thing. He is too ignorant, too willful, to stupid about economics to be a U.S. Senator...or a Mayor...or a City Councilman...or managing a small business. He does not qualify for any position that has anything to do with finance, business or prosperity. He does not understand the most basic fundamentals of economics. Worse, he has no intention of learning them.
He just repeats the zombie chorus: "The Free Market is bad!", and that "Rich people must give their money to the poor".
That's the entirety of his economic program.
I'm not sure just what he considers himself and his Missus...with an income of $4 million a year, who, by the way, gave an extraordinarily small amount to charity out of their own pocket to help the poor.
I guess liberal black folks don't fall under the "Evil, Selfish Rich" umbrella.
He is a brutal idiot. And we'd better understand that, and stop pretending that he is merely misguided or mistaken—which implies a potential to learn. He is evil and stupid and willfully ignorant of the most important engine of prosperity in the country he wants to lead. And he cares so little about our collective welfare, that he can't even be bothered to listen and learn.
Obie is a dedicated socialist who has every intention of ruining our economy, utterly, in pursuit of his treacherous, racist, dreams based on the syphilitic ravings of Karl Marx as filtered through Black Supremacy.
Nice choice Democrats.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
What drives me crazy is that socialism has been completely discredited; has been proven an abject failure everywhere and everywhen...and STILL the socialists work to enforce its disastrous principles in every country they inhabit.
ReplyDeleteThat makes them either seriously stupid or seriously evil.
Or both, of course.