Sunday, April 06, 2008

Authentic Patrick

In the ongoing "discussion about race" that Obie thinks he wants to have, there are plenty of voices dissenting from his own blah, blah, blah...tried and false, uber-liberal same old, same old.

I'm not sure these voices have a good chance of being heard in the Drive-by Media. But they are welcome here. Patrick Buchanan continues the discussion...

And I approve of his message.

The Gunslinger


  1. Approve as well,and so do a few of my blue-dog Democrat friends(apparently,even They have limits).They're not gonna vote for some a-hole who tells them they still owe,after all the butt-kissing.A young lady on my myspace used to send blogs re:Obama is "strangely" silent on him for the past 2 weeks-think there's alot more of this happening,but maybe I'm just too optimistic.The sychophants in the media wouldn't report it if it was.And,as a Marine blog-buddy of mine said "Thank you,Mr.Heston,we'll take it from here"

  2. Oh, man. That last sentence gave me chills.

    Absolutely. Our turn.
