I have been doing a lot of reading and thinking about some very politically incorrect notions. Indeed, they are worse than that, they are in some countries, illegal ideas. Among others they are automatically called "hate".
I'm interested in them because they are the stumbling blocks for me to comfortably and morally associate with groups and people who hold other beliefs that I mostly share.
I am not bothered by being called a "racist" because I believe that every race has a right to their own homeland, even Caucasians. I'm not bothered by being considered a "bigot" because I accept as true the fact that there are actual and measurable differences between races. I don't mind being thought of as evil because I believe that multi-racial societies almost always have racial strife...and that the more races are separated, the happier each are.
But...I do worry about being anti-Semitic. Because I have always considered the Jews to be an innocent persecuted minority whose entire history has been one of inexplicable difficulty, unfair ostracism and undeserved cruelty.
Thus, I found it very disturbing to find that so many of the people who believe as I do about Race, are what can only be described as anti-Semitic.
Now, the people I am talking about are often highly educated, well-read, reasonable, honest, moral, literate and sincerely believe that the separation of the races is not about doing evil to others for the benefit of Whites...but is in fact better for all races, making peace and harmony both within and between races more likely.
So, it seemed odd that in association with this enlightened assessment of our racial problems, they, almost to a man, hold the Jews guilty of crimes against our race and our culture.
If I had found these people to be a hysterical, stereotypical "nigger-hating" lynch mob, I would not have wasted a moment wondering why they "hated" Jews. I would have just dismissed them as idiots and moved on.
But they're anything but hateful. Oh, they're angry, for sure...and for cause.
So I decided to investigate just what it was they were saying about the Jews, and what their beef was. It was hard to approach it with an "open" mind. The very idea of it pretty much offended me down to my pantyhose.
I've only come to a couple of interim conclusions, subject to revision as I get more information.
The argument against the Jews is basically this: They move into a host nation, behave in ways that are good for Jews at the expense of the host population, do not assimilate, remain a group apart, behave and think tribally, and have no compunction in doing whatever it takes to gain personal and group advantage, no matter what damage they do to their hosts or to other peoples.
Due to their undoubted intelligence and work ethic, they rise to the top of many professions, and use their positions of influence to further the above goals. Finance, commerce, and art are typical areas of success and influence.
No matter where, no matter when, and no matter the specifics, this is always at bottom, the general charge and the cause of resentment.
When a society becomes aware of the undue influence, or manipulation, or suffers damage from such practises, it eventually retaliates against the offenders...and another "persecution" of the Jews commences.
Now, this is my own generalization, based on what I have read. Many of the "racists" who are also "anti-semitic" are only aware of what they see as the damage and undue influence Jews are wielding in America and the West today. They see policies that are inimical to our culture, our way of life, our unity and cohesion. They see that many of these paths were blazed by Jews. And they resent that the result of them is the dissolution of our racial and cultural homogeneity.
The next logical step is to try to figure out if this is true. Do Jews do this?
I'm not a historian, so I cannot, on my own authority, verify or disprove specific charges made regarding the historical behavior of Jewish people. But there are a few indicators that turn out to be interesting, and perhaps telling.
There is a list, provided by a Jewish website of the history of Jewish "persecution". It is presented there clearly to show that they are perpetual victims, and that everyone of conscience should prevent it from ever happening again.
But there is another way to look at this list:
Or one might ask, "Why have so many various and different groups of people, after living with Jews, found them so objectionable that they either took arms against them, or expelled them from their countries?
Has this happened, perpetually and repeatedly throughout ALL of known history to any other group of people?
If I heard about a group of guys that get thrown out of every bar they hang out in would I automatically assume that every bar owners is "persecuting" the group? Or is it more likely that these guys are repeatedly doing something that pisses off bar owners?
Even if their protestations of innocence do seem convincing, doesn't the overwhelming number of incidents create a pattern that cannot be ignored?
And being aware of this pattern, as a bar owner, would you prefer to keep these guys out of your place? Would you be a "bigot" if you did?
An interesting conundrum proponents of what is called anti-Semitism find themselves in, is that they always argue that ONLY that which they disagree with or oppose is the fault of the Jews. Now this makes their arguments vulnerable...as it should...when evidence of Jews acting in apparently opposing ways is discovered.
The Far Right is up in arms because the Jews are responsible in part for the mixing of the races, via their vital role in the Civil Rights movement, and the destruction of the family via their promotion of abortion rights, feminism; and their glorification of secularism and all the Liberal degeneracy that the Far Right hates. The Far Right "Hates" the Jews for Promoting Liberalism.
The Far Left is up in arms because Neo-Conservative Jews are responsible for the Muslims hatred of us because of our intractable support of Israel; are responsible for the War in which American sons are fighting the Zionist war against Afghanistan, Iraq...and as they see it, soon, Iran. They are furious that we are paying billions of dollars in aid to Israel, that evil aggressor and usurper of the Middle East. The Far Left "Hates" the Jews for Promotion Neo-Conservatism.
Now...they can't both be right, can they?
The question, of course, assumes the Jews must be on one side or the other. But suppose they're are not on the Conservative Side or the Liberal Side, but on their own side. Isn't it possible that promoting multicultural and "tolerant" ideas, and promoting war with Israel's enemies are perfectly consistent from the Jewish point of view?
As for the sincerity of the Left and Right, think how unlikely, if they were just arbitrarily choosing a "convenient scapegoat" for their complaints, that they would choose a common enemy. It's not like there is a shortage of groups to choose from in this political environment.
The two camps don't agree on the color of the sky. That they would voluntarily choose the same "bad guys" is unthinkable, unless they really believed in it.
Now, obviously, "believing in it" doesn't make it true. But, again, here is this pattern continued, in which the Jews are the common denominator: Opposing sides, with nothing in common, indeed, with much animosity, find themselves, surely against their preference, identifying a common enemy.
At what point do we stop automatically assuming that Jews are always the innocent victims of everyone else's mindless wrath? What in the make up of human beings of all races, colors, creeds, cultures, levels of civilizations, historical eras and geographical locations prompts them to choose the Jews to pick on?
All I can say is, there's more to this than meets the eye. There's something going on here.
And for now, that's as far as I've gotten.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
ReplyDeleteI found this article extremely encouraging and I must say that you are exactly where I was on the Jewish Question some two and a half years ago.
I have admired many of the stances you have taken in the past on guns and the Constitution and other freedom issues. The only problem I had with some of your work was the fact that you seemed to ignore the one group that had most strongly pushed and implemented the policies you complained about most, those being gun control, racial egalitarianism, the war against faith in America, open borders, etc.
As you write so adroitly "The Far Right is up in arms because the Jews are responsible in part for the mixing of the races, via their vital role in the Civil Rights movement, and the destruction of the family via their promotion of abortion rights, feminism; and their glorification of secularism and all the Liberal degeneracy that the Far Right hates. The Far Right "Hates" the Jews for Promoting Liberalism." You are CORRECT once again as you usually are on many issues of public moment.
Jewish extremists, and not all Jews, have pushed these enervating ideologies upon a formerly white and formerly "Christian" nation, however imperfect it might be. This is what I discovered in my intellectual journey. Learning this information did not cause me to hate Jews, but it did elicit an understanding of why they have been resented and tossed out of almost every nation they have ever inhabited. You also seem to grasp this reality that has been buried by PC historians and philo-Semitic soothsayers.
I encourage you to check out some of my work related to the Jewish issue located at http://zionistwatch.wordpress.com
Like you, I don't consider myself a "racist" or an "anti-Semite", but I do concern myself with truth, however uncomfortable and however taboo it might be in our controlled media.
Thank you for this article. It really made my day to see that others are having an awakening on this most crucial of topics. To ignore the role of Jewish supremacism in bringing about the demise of Western civilization is to leave out a giant piece of the puzzle and will doom us to only fight the effects and never the causes of our decline.
Also, News From The West is another great blog that deals with a lot of the political concerns that we share. I help run NFTW with a friend. It can be found at:
Thanks for all your great work.
Patrick Grimm
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words. I will most certainly check out the links you provided. I appreciate them!
I have argued that Liberals are crazy, self-culture-race destructive...but I just have never been able to figure out how or why it happened. How did normal, adjusted, happy, proud, strong, self-confident White people become, almost overnight, culturally and racially suicidal, as though as a race we became clinically depressed, and lost the will to live! I couldn't understand it.
And no one ever addressed it. We Conservatives blamed the insanity of Secular Humanistic, Neo-Liberal Leftiness, without realizing it was a symptom, a result...not a cause.
The first bell that rang for me when I read some of the "anti-Jewish" opinions with an open mind, was that someone, finally suggested a cause, a source; a potential, a possible beginning, and a reason for the otherwise inexplicable psychosis of today's White Liberalism.
That's how it began for me.
ReplyDeleteI understand completely. What you describe is "how it began for me" too. "Liberalism" is only the latest wrapping paper used to cover up what is almost in total a Jewish extremist agenda of destruction aimed like a knife at the heart of white Western civilization.
The first thing I noticed was the fact that almost all ACLU lawyers were Jewish, then I delved deeper and looked at what Israel was REALLY doing in the Middle East. Next came my discovery of the Jewish origins of Communism and Bolshevism. And on and on it went until I stopped blaming "liberalism" and started placing the blame where it belonged, on Jewish supremacism. The fact that 90% of pornographers are Jews certainly makes me think that there is something more at work here than just a Jewish penchant for "liberal" ideas.
Yet neo-conservatives like David Horowitz and Dennis Prager don't want to talk about all these realities. They want to yell "liberal!" and "leftist!" to keep the eyes of the Gentiles off of who is actually fronting and funding the radical Left and the dissolution of our culture. Zionism is pure evil.
I know he's been demonized beyond repair by the Zionist media, but check out some of David Duke's work including his book Jewish Supremacism. Sure, he was in a Klan group thirty years ago, but yet you never hear the same media that slanders Duke describe David Horowitz as "Former Black Panther David Horowitz." Interesting, isn't it?
Keep up the good work. I have appreciated a lot of your past writings, though this is the first time I have commented. Don't ever apologize for seeking the truth about this or any other subject, and never be afraid of where the truth will take you.
But I'm not going to lie. This subject does provide for one disturbing and unsettling AWAKENING. We are just two of the countless millions who, thanks to the internet, are unearthing the truth. This malevolent agenda can no longer be concealed.
Patrick Grimm
Well, Jewish ethnic self-preference is either the most diabolical and genocidal supremacism or the pure love of Mankind, depending on whether you listen to hard WN's or nice, safe mainstreamers. Inevitably, the truth lies somewhere between.
ReplyDeleteBut once the seeker zips past all the signposts to compexity, and settles lovingly around the little flame of Judeophobia, that seems to be end of his search. He won't want to know that "it" is also the power elite, and the metapolitics of advanced liberalism, and postmodernity itself.
Still, serious-minded seekers who want to comprehend the global fate of European Man have to break with the global Jewish explanation.
I commend complexity to you, my gunslinging friend. Any time you want to shoot it out with me, visit MR (see link above).
Oh, and watch that "far right" acronym. In this end-time, it's you and me and patrick grimm who are normal, not "far" anything. Never forget it.
patrick grimm,
ReplyDeleteNice try chump with that canned line of " I don't consider myself an anti-semite". Well, I went to your blog patrick and guess what fella? You ARE an anti-semite. So quite hiding behind your long wordy comments here and grow a pair of balls son. Your blog is a hate site against Jews. Just come clean and quit parading around as some intellectual.
I'm going to assume your are a Christian patrick by your "Merry Christmas" tagline on the top of your blog, so if that is the case, then the sooner you remember the board that was placed over the head of Christ on the Cross, the better. Yes, that one...King of the Jews.
I'm a Christian who simply believes in the Word. Believes the Jews are G_d's Chosen People.
Gunslinger, I don't mean to start throwing chairs and breaking beer bottles in your blog but pip squeaks like old patrick here who hide behind a thesaurus and a made up litany of "facts" piss me off.
Now, after viewing patrick's blog, I'm off to go erase my cookie cache and then take a very hot shower.
:Holger Danske
p.s. patrick, if you check out my blog, you'll find i'm an anti-islamist. See how easy that is?
Guessedworker, You are Majority Rights! I have your blog bookmarked...and go there when my mind is clear and I feel intellectually prepared for the challenge!
ReplyDeleteSo nice to meet you!
Your essay contains so much to digest, but one thought occurred to me as I read it.
In the past, rulers understood that their own positions depended on the success of their nation/people; that power derived from ruling a powerful nation, a great civilization.
Today's elites, instead, are sucking the life and greatness out of the great nations. But when the host dies, what happens to the leech?
Even if princes are not concerned about the welfare of "the people", self-preservation should dictate preservation of the cultures that undergird their elite positions.
How did this peculiar,unnatural, ultimately self-destructive behavior gain such currency?
I tend to agree that it is not "conspiracy" in the normal sense of the word. But it is a commonality of thought, bad thought, that has replaced the older, wiser understanding.
And I think there may be a precedent, a model, for this self-destructive behavior.
At the risk of sounding non-complex, I submit that the history of the Jews is replete with it.
A rising to influence, an overreaching of power, a leeching off and weakening or destruction of the host, the recognition of it by the host, and the subsequent removal of the offending elite; their inevitable return to pariah-dom & persecution...and, of course, a sense of injury and victimization.
It's a lousy model. I don't know why anyone would adopt it. But as you describe it, today's elite seems to have done so.
Even barring revolt and removal, the destuction of their own power base will ultimately destroy their own standing.
When the great civilizations are reduced to Third World status, how will the elite maintain themselves in the manner to which they've become accustomed?
Will the status of Somalian Warlord satify?
This is just a sort of stream-of-consciousness observation that reading your post triggered.
It's not my final word on the subject!
ReplyDeleteAll I wanted was for you to show your true colors.
You have done that.
And no, I won't be emailing you but I certainly will be praying for you.
:Holger Danske
ReplyDeleteYes, I have shown my true colors as someone who, unlike you, loves my country more than the Jews and Israel.
I asked you to list the "facts" I had made up about the Jews. You did not do so because you cannot, which is why you obviously want to end this conversation. Christian Zionists cannot be reasoned with.
You'll be praying for me? That's fine. Ask the Jews you worship when the economic recession is going to hit the hardest, so I can prepare for the downturn. Take care, little man.
Grimm is whacked. Carol, I think you're right to be uncomfortable with people like this. At least Holger called out Grimm for what he really is.
ReplyDeleteI'll broadly over-generalize here, but I believe the main problem Jews have had throughout history was that they were not Christians. The Church (I'm talking both Catholics and Protestants) inculcated anti-Semitism as a part of Christianity. To bond themselves together and convince themselves they are on the side of the good, people seem to always have to come up with an evil and threatening enemy, and Jews served that purpose for Christians. Just read Grimm's comments to see what I'm talking about.
Other examples...
In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote... "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
He also said..."My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)
Therefore be on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and veheming his eyes on them.
-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)
Moreover, they are nothing but thieves and robbers who daily eat no morsel and wear no thread of clothing which they have not stolen and pilfered from us by means of their accursed usury. Thus they live from day to day, together with wife and child, by theft and robbery, as arch-thieves and robbers, in the most impenitent security.
-Martin Luther (On the Jews and Their Lies)
Anyone see a pattern here? For ages, Jews have been accused of conspiring to take down the world. What people like Grimm are saying is just the same old same old.
Jews are just like anyone else. At times good, and other times bad. At times giving, and at other times selfish. I'm Jewish, but I'm no fan of neo-cons or settlements on the West Bank. Jews are often victims because of their minority status, but when in the majority, as in Israel, they become victimizers to the local Palestinian population.
Maybe I'm just mad 'cause I'm Jewish, and nobody's ever invited me to a secret world domination meeting. Perhaps Grimm could clue me in to where these are occurring, since he claims to be in the know about such things.
Hi Steve,
ReplyDeleteGrimm IS awfully single-minded, isn't he?
I want to be fair here, but there does seem to be a rather long list of persecutions that have plagued the Jews.
At some point, one has to ask why.
If an individual had the same sort of history of getting beat up and thrown out of clubs, and ridden out of towns on a rail, over and over again, you begin to suspect he was doing something to cause it.
You might blame the first town for intolerance, and the second for being too exclusive, and the third for incivility...but eventually it's either the WHOLE world is impossibly bigoted, or this guy is behaving in ways that get him in trouble.
And at some point, you have to ask yourself the same thing about the Jews.
The list of persecutions...(as presented by a Jewish website for the purpose of proving how victimized the Jews have always been) was monumental. But its very length suggested that something besides "victimization" was going on here.
Why would every place the Jews have ever settled since the Roman Empire get so pissed at them that they end up "persecuted" again?
No one (even Grimm) is saying it's every Jew, or even most Jews who act in ways that result in such anger...but SOMETHING is going on here.
If I was talking to that guy who keeps getting thrown out of towns, I'd suggest he take a look at his own behavior to see what he's doing that keeps pissing off everyone he meets.
I'm just sayin'.
Maybe it the elite Jewish financiers that get greedy and piss off other elite business leaders, who have the clout to make bad things happen.
Here's a question I've been rolling around in my head for a few days. It never really occurred to me before, but now that it's come to my attention, it seems damned odd.
I think Jews are like, 2% of the American population, which is 85% Christian. So, how is it that Hanukkah is given exactly equal honor as Christmas?
And why do almost all food manufacturers deal with the whole annoying and expensive "kosher" deal? Of the 2% of Jews, how many keep Kosher? WTF?
There are probably more Mormons and Buddhists in American than Jews, but it's Judaism that gets equal ranking, equal honor and equal time with Christianity in a country in which they are a tiny, tiny, tiny minority.
It's damned odd when you come to think about it.
It indicates a very high level of influence by a very small number of people.
And when you start looking at it, you start to see that Jews are really over-represented in a great many influential institutions.
Or perhaps it is their presence that MAKES the institutions infuential.
And too often, to some of us, those institutions are promoting policies and ideas that we find antithetical to the welfare of our country.
The ACLU, the ADL, the NAACP, The American Communist Party, NOW are just a few examples.
I don't know what it all means. But it's a little disturbing, nevertheless.
ReplyDeleteLike most issues, if you keep digging further and further into them, often the results are more confusing then when you first started.
To address a couple of your points. I live in the Midwest and it's Christmas time - believe me, you can't go outside and not be reminded that it is Christmas (and I'm happy about that) but you'd be hard pressed to find any indication here of Hannukah so I really would take issue that the two holidays are on an equal plain in this country.
As for the issue of Kosher. As far as I know, there isn't any government agencies holding a gun to food manufacturers to produce kosher foods - it's an economic decision. I think you will find that many people partake of kosher foods who are not jewish.
I guess if your gut tells you that the Jews are responsible for their persecutions and that they are behind corruptions in society, then you probably will stay feeling that way. Me, I believe there are some things in life that just have no answer. There are things that won't be known until the Father reveals them. So my feeling that The Chosen People have had to withstand more than their share of persecution due to just the fact of who they are, is just my view.
I'll finish with this. Look at the makeup of the three branches of Gov't in the United States. Look at the % of Jews in the Congress, Executive branch and in the Judicial and if you agree that the percentage is small, then I would ask you where all of this incredible influence in America comes from? I mean, if a minority in this Country (the Jews) can basically steer it in their direction as I'm hearing here then you've got a helluva scoop and it certainly makes all this election stuff rather meaningless, doesn't it?
Wow...where to begin? You guys seem to have really gone overboard here. No offense Gunslinger, I follow your postings fairly regularly and although I respect your stance on being racially preferential to your own, hating on the Jews is a bit much. I don't necessarily agree whith the white tribe thing, simply because I am a mongrel, but by all appearances I am of celtic descent..very white in other words. The Jewish people have been persecuted yes, but is it right to hate on them for being successful capitalists? An economic principle that we in the western world value so highly...it is a part of our way of life. If you want to start this religious hatred thing, take a look at the Jewish Homeland. They are smack in the middle of their enemies. Enemies that want to wipe them off the face of the planet. I think I'd be a bit aggressive in their place. They cannot afford to show weakness. You all say you're Christians..."He who is without sin cast the first stone". He said it, not me. Just repeating it. You can't condemn a group for being ethnocentric if you yourself are...
ReplyDeleteJust my 2 cents.
ReplyDeletePlease note the title of the post. It is a question.
I don't know what the real story is. And I don't advocate "hate" because it is a huge waste of time and energy.
I'm only wondering if there might be more to the "perennially persecuted Jew" story than meets the eye.
I'm not suggesting we hate Jews. I'm just wondering if we really ought to canonize them as saints.
As for Israel, I have always been a staunch supporter. On the other hand, why is it where it is? How did it come to be there? Was there no other place that might have been more politic, and NOT created the endless struggle and animosity since its inception?
Could we not have guaranteed the safety and security of Jews in a less antagonistic way, and in a less volatile environment?
The fact that Palestine was once Jewish land really shouldn't carry any more weight than the fact that Spain was once Muslim land.
All I'm saying is that I now believe there is more to the story. I don't recommend hate...only truth.
ReplyDeleteTo answer your question in your response to mjolnir, about why Israel is where it is, geographically...well, the creation of Israel was foretold in The Bible. And to put it bluntly, Israel sits on the land it does because G_d commanded it. Some of us believe that the Son of G_d was born on that land and was crucified there.
And the truth of the matter is this...the ageless fight between the islamists and the Jews would not be one iota diminished if Israel sat between Maine and New Hampshire. It's prophesy. The islamists do not wish that land upon which Israel sits, they seek the extermination of Jews. The islamists care nothing about the so-called palestinians (notice how Egypt, Syria and Jordan have all shunned them like the plague?).
The Jews inhabit the Land of their fathers and quite frankly, the home of Man as we know him.
You'll have to read the above posts for the following to make any sense...
ReplyDeleteI don't think Hannukah is held in the same honor as Christmas. I bet for each time I hear the word "Hannukah" I hear the world Christmas several hundred times. I'm usually surprised when someone even mentions Hannukah.
Very fews Jews are strictly Kosher, and I almost never notice Kosher food for sale, except the time around Passover. Most of the Kosher foods I know of are produced by specialty companies.
Who's canonizing Jews as Saints?
Education has always been a big part of Jewish culture, and there's a lot of pressure on Jewish kids to grow up and be doctors, lawyers, dentists, or some other kind of professional. I think that explains why the proportion of Jewish professionals is much higher than their proportion in the general population. Lots of Jewish kids develop neurotic disorders because of the pressure, and become stand-up comedians. What would the stand-up comedy business be without Jews.
I can see why lots of Jews were for Communism, at least in it's early days. One of the early promises of Communism was that there would be an end to religious persecution, and for a group of people that had for so long been persecuted, that could sound pretty appealing. Once they experienced the actual implementation, though, I doubt you'd find many Jews who supported Communism.
I don't know what percentage of ACLU lawyers are Jewish, but I can understand why some of them would be motivated to fight against any kind of civil rights infraction. These are the kinds of things that happened to Jews for a long time, and they probably don't want to see that kind of treatment to come back into fashion.
I still think that the main problem for Jews throughout history was that for a long time, anti-Semitism was an accepted part of Christianity. The way you would show you were a devout Christian was to kill Jews. Having said that, I definitely don't think that's the case anymore. (Aside from the occasional Grimm-like character who crawls out from beneath a rock every so often.)
...This from a secular Jew who hasn't been inside a synagogue for years.
ReplyDeleteIn this context, you may only say that the "Jewish God" commanded it.
And since the Jewish God speaks for the Jews, what you are saying only repeats what we already know: Palestine was the piece of real estate the Jews wanted.
As to whether we would be experiencing the same level of violence and upheaval had the Jews settled in Maine instead of the Muslim Middle East, one can only speculate, as you have done.
And I'm a little unclear about your final sentence...there is certainly no current evidence that I'm aware of that "Man as we know him" began in Palestine!
Steve, everything you say is true. But you're arguing on the surface of things.
ReplyDeleteBefore Jesus was a twinkle in Joseph's eye, Jews were persecuted all over the damn place. Egypt enslaved them, Babylon did the same. They annoyed the shit out of Rome who labeled them "atheists".
For hundreds of years, the Roman Empire brought civilization, trade, prosperity and peace to almost everyone they conquered. But not Judea. The Jews pushed and plotted, revolted and conspired until they succeeded in getting Jerusalem burned to the ground and the Second Temple destroyed.
All while other Roman provinces were making money, worshiping their own gods, enjoying representation and some favor in Rome and, essentially, self-rule.
You can blame Christianity, and in some ways probably fairly. But it did not begin there.
The Jews have been, throughout their entire history, apparently an aggravation and a pain in the ass to every people they came in contact with.
I'm not making this up! Jewish history if rife with the evidence.
They pissed off Egypt, Babylon, Rome, the entirety of Christendom, a good share of Europe, pre-War Germany, Communist Russia and now Islam.
No doubt about it, the Jews have had a tough road. But why?
No other group in the history of mankind has had this kind of persistent, consistent, similar, repeating problems.
Dude, there's a pattern here. Every single other race, civilization, ethnic group, empire, country, race or creed is not predisposed to hate Jews. Why then, did they all end up doing so?
Lordy, I'm not saying that all Jews are bad people. I'm just saying that some self-examination, and a little less of the martyrdom posture "as a people" might be in order here.
If for no other reason, than to prevent a repeat of this apparently inevitable conclulsion to every relationship they've ever had with ANYONE!
When I say "canonized", I mean that the Jews continue to define themselves as the innocent victims of endless and unprovoked persecution. And they have done a good job of convincing the rest of us, too.
But, rumblings of Anti-Semitism are showing up again in Europe. And anti-Israel sentiment is growing in the United States—both from the far Left and the far Right! This is not a good sign.
But it is not an unfamiliar one, unfortunately. And if the cycle of resentment and persecution is ever going to stop, Jews as well as Gentiles are going to have to face some harsh and perhaps embarrassing realities about who they are, how they relate to others and how much they are responsible for their own regularly scheduled demise.
And when I say "Jews", I mean the leadership, the Zionists, the powerful mover and shakers, the influencers and manipulators, the international financiers, not the shoemaker on Main Street, or even the proverbial pawnbroker.
Of course he needs to pay attention, because it always rebounds on him when whatever always happens, happens.
I'm not arguing FOR anti-Semitism. I'm saying that if we are going to ever rid the world of it, we need to understand the problem and fix it, whatever it takes.
Merely attempting to shame people out of it is not working.
In the final analysis, to argue that so many people, in so many cultures, in so many historical eras, in so many different geographical locations have manifested the exact same unreasoned, unfounded, hysterical, blind hatred for no reason whatever, strains credulity.
ReplyDeleteI'm pleased you have encountered the blog, and find it sometimes useful.
"one thought occurred to me as I read it."
Jeez, I always get something wrong.
You write: "when the host dies, what happens to the leech?"
In that essay I wrote: "Elite members have no stake in our future as European peoples. They are not dependent on passing on the assets they manage. What heights they achieve, what honours they win in this life will pass into nothing with their own passing."
So the leech is a creature of one lifetime. Leeches do not practise generational solidarity. The elite body, however, still moves onward through time, its institutions staffed, its gods of wealth and power worshipped. Providing their offertories are filled - and they always have been - there need be no thought of the host's fate.
A serviceable model in this regard is the well-known short-termism of financial investment. A city trader is in no way answerable to the interests of the wider economy, so why would he curb his current-account activities for some vague financial altruism?
The rest is human folly and self-aggrandisement, pressed through the filter of progressive liberal politics and coloured by internationalism. One should not accord elite members superhuman powers, as does the conspiracy theorist. They are blind men and incompetents like the rest of us. They make monumental misjudgements, and indeed the progressive liberal half of their political creed is exactly that: a monumental misjudgement of Man and Nature.
You are right that elites are ultimately always destroyed, and this one will be too - probably by way of the "over-reach" of a post-liberal Leviathan. Why do you think nationalism is accorded such vituperate and unfair treatment? Because it is revolutionary. A regnant nationalism would tip the elites out of office, out of influence, out of power. Ergo, be a nationalist.
Good point. I may not be giving enough credence to the inherent tendency in all men to fear and reject the "outsider".
ReplyDeleteI suppose being an American, with so many different nationalities, ethnic groups and races as fellow-citizens, I may have a skewed perspective.
It might be important to learn what was happening when all these persecutions took place. Did they always happen when things got bad?
I always think our litigious society, based on needing to find someone to blame for every bad thing that happens, is NEW. Maybe not, eh?
Did the Jews get in trouble mostly when things went south? During times of famine and war and epidemic, instability, financial collapse?
During Pagan times, when the welfare of the people was thought to be determined by the pleasure of their gods, and things went sideways, being a group of people who ostentatiously did not honor those gods might have been very dangerous.
And the very tribal separateness that made them so easily identifiable, would also have made them very convenient targets.
It remains to be seen if this is the correct explanation. But it is a very reasonable theory.
Thanks so much for your contributions to the discussion!
If you wish to truly understand the relationship between Jew and European, you must look to their respective shared pyschological attributes.
ReplyDeleteThat means understanding Jewish ethno-aggression as a strategy of subversion, possibly evolved, for group advantage.
It also means comprehending the high tendency to outgroup altruism in European Man, and the rebound effect when Jewish non-reciprocity becomes all too painfully evident.
This model of the Jewish hyper-ethnocentrist and the European altruist is true for the relationship in all periods and places. It is not necessary for Europeans to scourge their backs because of some irrational aggressivity, only for over-reaction.
But even then, beware of the Jewish strategy of self-portrayal as victim, a mechanism for strengthening tribal identity and cohesion. Who maintains the history of European over-reaction? Obviously not Europeans.
We Europeans should never beat ourselves up over the history between the two peoples. That is simply assenting to the model of Jewish victimology. Meanwhile we are suffering local displacement, national dispossession and deracination - a Final Solution if ever there was one.
Fight for our cause, for no one else will - least of all the Jew (see here)
"Most of the anti-semitic crowd in America, for example, comes from white supremacy groups and there's always the factions that buy in to the conspiracy theories of Jewish control over mass media, etc."
ReplyDeleteSo it's whitey's fault again, is it? Interesting. You see, I read a book called The Retreat of Reason a while ago, written by a fellow Briton, from a British perspective, about how Political Correctness is asphyxiating us all.
One particularly noteworthy example cited by this author (who, by the way, can't even mention the BNP without a half-sentence rant against their disgusting racism) was that of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EMCR) commissioning a report on anti-semitism in Europe. When the authors of the report, Jews themselves, came back with the conclusion that the main cause of rising anti-semitism in Europe was muslim youths, and not skinheads and neo-fascists, the EMCR tried to force the authors to re-write the report to portray the perpetrators as white racists and then had to re-write the report itself when the authors refused to do so.
I don't know if the case in the US is the same as over here, but given that you've also got a big moslem immigration problem I wouldn't be too terribly surprised if the anti-semitic crowd is largely arab moslem these days. But there again, why let facts get in the way of a good story? Let's just blame the white man in the corner over there and be done with it, right?
I notice something interesting about your writing, Holger, that you always write 'God' as 'G_d'. I've only ever seen that done by orthodox Jews before, you don't happen to be coming in from that corner yourself, do you? Just curious.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, to answer your last question. I mentioned earlier in the comment section here that I am Christian (Lutheran protestant to be exact), so no, I am not a Jew. The reason for the way I refer to the Creator that way is simply a personal belief of mine that I am not worthy of typing his name as I do that of human beings. No secret message there, just my deal.
As for your first comment about me blaming it all on "whitey", I believe you misunderstood me. Throughout this discussion, I have dismissed, for the most part, any acknowledgement of the anti-semitism of muslims. I don't even call that anti-semitism...it is flat out a call to exterminate Jew by the islamists and the proof is in the Qu'ran.
The point I was trying to make was for you to look up the last 20 visible publicized instances of anti-Semitism in America and show me it wasn't the product of some fragmented bunch of skin head nazi wannabes. The most famous group of anti-Semites in American History were/are the KKK.
By the way, I'm white. I'm of Scandinavian descent and I'm as proud of my white heritage as you ever will be.
ReplyDeleteYou are not all that awake. You don't seem to understand the noumenal world at all.
The charge of "Anti-semite" is applied to European Americans - angry skinheads or otherwise - as a blood libel. In using the term, Jews are suggesting that they are in danger of their lives from a vile and murderous, white-skinned maniac. It's a lie. As a powerful, intelligent, paranoid and Christianophobic minority whose internal goal is cohesion and external goal mastery, they are seeking to nullify our collective power of action against them . It is the Jewish way of ethno-competitive life.
Everywhere, the relation between Jew and European is, respectively, that of actor and reactor - or ethno-aggressor and victim, if you want to get emotional about it. Morally, the European is entitled to a pretty clear conscience, and that extends to the mad-as-hell Linderite extreme (real Nazism, well, we can discuss that another time).
Now about G_d, if you must carry your private religious convictions into the realm of temporal power, at least get yourself up off the floor and type your Jewish sky god's name properly. He won't bite. He isn't listening. He isn't there. He is an evolutionary strategy fron 1000BC for Jewish tribal dominion.
European spirituality, on the other hand ...
ReplyDeleteI understand your "European spirituality" perfectly. You seem to think my G_d doesn't exist...but guessed, what if you're wrong? :wink:
Anyway, it appears you are British and a BNP member as well, so I'll just chalk up your irrationality to a Brit who somehow forgot about the tens of thousands of your own countrymen that died fighting Hitler's Naziism.
But alas, if all goes the way it seems in your land guessedworker, you more than likely will have more worries on how to best utilize the new prayer mat you'll be handed by the Sharia patrol than looking for some Jews to target with your BNP form of Naziism.
Best of luck, chap.
Remember, it's "allahu ackbar" and not "heil"
:Holger danske
I am not against a homeland for the Jews, but don't want to pay for it in blood or treasure. Does that make me a bad guy?
ReplyDeleteWhy is it my responsibility to guarantee that the Jews have a homeland? I'm busy enough trying to get one of my own.
Whites having a homeland does not preclude Jews having one. I don't see the logic in your "logic".
And as I have said before, when one talks of "Jews", one does not mean every single individual Jewish person, but the power elite, the policy makers, the influential, the powerful and the rich.
Jew are undeniably over-represented in the halls of power, media, entertainment, finance, academia, and law.
These are the Jews under discussion, not the department store clerk or the deli sandwich maker.
And your final comment, that "this is just another show of Jew hatred", is unfortunately a typical knee-jerk response. One cannot discuss the concept that Jews bear some responsibility for their own misfortunes without being called a Jew-Hater.
Apparently no discussion of this issue is permissible.
Sorry you feel that way.
Hearth tablets, where has gunslinger said all Jews are rich? If she's said anything like that, I certainly haven't seen it. Or, for another example, where has she spoken against the Jews having a homeland? Seems to me like you're just setting up a whole lot of straw men to beat down. Are you not paying attention or is it just an ego thing?
ReplyDeleteMr. Smith,
ReplyDeleteI love it when you defend me!
cause even if you call it a discussion of Jewish demise b/c Jews have succeeded where others havent is pure anti-Semitism at its best. Where are Jews in Media? except for the movie industry? Jews have always been in the banking and financial industry because thats where Jews through out history have been able to work in. Even in Europe during the middle ages. So Before you blame the Jews blame the non-Jews for putting Jews in that situation. Jews were not allowed to own land nor work in various industries so they created the banking / loan industry. In England during the 11 century Jews were deported because the non Jews owed money to the Jews so in order not to pay they deported them. Isnt that convenient. Why doesnt america do the same. It will make your boarders more secure and you wouldnt have to worry about the Jewish lobby either which many in your country fear.
ReplyDeleteAs far as a knee Jerk reaction damn straight. time and again through out history Jews have been blamed for their demise. Quite frankly its getting old and take some responsibility for it.
Any time, Gunslinger. :-)
ReplyDeleteHearth tablets, why these constant complaints? Why this 'everybody's fault but mine!' attitude? I'm not against you, nor against your people, but your attitude really is very strange to behold.
And regarding money lending, you may want to consider this from the Wiki article on the Magna Carta:
"Jews in England
Magna Carta contained two articles related to money lending and Jews in England. Jewish involvement with money lending caused Christian resentment, because the Church forbade usury; it was seen as vice and was punishable by excommunication, although Jews, as non-Christians, could not be excommunicated and were thus in a legal grey area. Secular leaders, unlike the Church, tolerated the practice of Jewish usury because it gave the leaders opportunity for personal enrichment. This resulted in a complicated legal situation: debtors were frequently trying to bring their Jewish creditors before Church courts, where debts would be absolved as illegal, while the Jews were trying to get their debtors tried in secular courts, where they would be able to collect plus interest. The relations between the debtors and creditors would often become very nasty. There were many attempts over centuries to resolve this problem, and Magna Carta contains one example of the legal code of the time on this issue:
If one who has borrowed from the Jews any sum, great or small, die before that loan be repaid, the debt shall not bear interest while the heir is under age, of whomsoever he may hold; and if the debt fall into our hands, we will not take anything except the principal sum contained in the bond. And if anyone die indebted to the Jews, his wife shall have her dower and pay nothing of that debt; and if any children of the deceased are left under age, necessaries shall be provided for them in keeping with the holding of the deceased; and out of the residue the debt shall be paid, reserving, however, service due to feudal lords; in like manner let it be done touching debts due to others than Jews.
After the Pope annulled Magna Carta, future versions contained no mention of Jews. The Church saw Jews as a threat to their authority, and the welfare of Christians, because of their special relationship to Kings as moneylenders. "Jews are the sponges of kings," wrote the theologian William de Montibus, "they are bloodsuckers of Christian purses, by whose robbery kings dispoil and deprive poor men of their goods." Thus the specific singling out of Jewish moneylenders seen in Magna Carta originated in part because of Christian nobles who permitted the otherwise illegal activity of usury, a symptom of the larger ongoing power struggle between Church and State during the Middle Ages."
And no, before you ask, I didn't write that into Wiki just to quote it at you, I'm just raising a historical point which seems pertinent.
Game, set, and match. I make that Pimms o'clock.