Thursday, March 01, 2018

NBA = Negro National Anthem?

Apparently some NBA teams are playing the "Negro National Anthem" before games.

And at the University of Texas, QPOC (colored queers) launched a "No Whites Allowed" magazine.

Here's the deal. I think these "people of color" should be able to have their own space, without any Whites in it. They can avoid subjecting themselves to evil White People and lead their entire lives without ever interacting with all those White Racists.

I think that we should all do it. It's such a cool idea. You know, White People only hang out with White People, no colored people allowed. And colored people only hang out with colored people, no White People allowed.

I, mean, it's a such a creative, unique concept! Think of all the friction we will avoid...all the hostility...all the racial issues and tensions and even violence that will instantly be solved when we never have to deal with anyone of a different race than ourselves again!

I applaud these brave students and basketball players for instituting this simple, obvious, and delightful solution.

So blacks will happily work together at black run businesses. Ditto Hispanics. And White People will be forced to work only at businesses that other White People own.

Blacks will enjoy shopping together at stores owned by blacks.
While Whites will be forced to shop only at stores owned by other White People

Just think...restaurants, playgrounds, neighborhoods, schools, bars, concerts, hospitals....each race will have their own to cherish and patronize.

It'll be GREAT. Oh....yeah....I came up with a word for this amazing new idea:


Cool huh?

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