Thursday, June 10, 2010

More from the Interwebs...

From the internet. Great "comments" that I can't link to directly, but you should read.
Grmzlyk says:

These people exist exclusively as reactionaries; they are constitutionally incapable of creating anything of value on their own. No, all they know how to do is break down the doors of the edifices of existing institutions and, in ritualistic acts of vengeance, exact revenge on the bastards who created the world as it is.

They build nothing, they create nothing, they improve nothing. They are all about punitive actions – obliteration, criminal charges, litigation, protests, etc. They are in fact nothing but nihilists.

That's why Obama and his merry band of vandals cannot put one foot in front of the other to create anything (at its bottom, the health care bill was not about building a better system but about cutting the insurance companies down to size).

These destructive, bitter, angry, envious, covetous, rapacious, avaricious felons have no interest in their vaunted ideal of "justice." They want first to destroy and second to collect THEIRS, and, like Jake LaMotta in Raging Bull, are only too happy to shatter a priceless championship belt in order to extract a few jewels of limited individual value for their immediate succor.

And this is always and everywhere the logical end of liberal policies: Destruction, corruption, nihilism, degradation, humiliation and abject servitude.

Mark Shepler adds:

Well said, Grmzlyk. But I would add something. For all their blather about "progressivism" there is not a word or idea out this bunch that is newer than about 100 years old. It's all been said and tried before and found wanting and/or deadly. During the run up to the nationalization of health care they even boasted it was time to finally implement an idea overdue since Teddy Roosevelt's time. As though the last 100 years had never happened. And what this shows is they are ineducable and enthralled by faith or mendacious. Either they cannot even learn from experience or they know full well the outcome of their Big Ideas and that is exactly the point- to destroy and reign over the ruins in the hopes of ushering in the New Utopia. I would say the great mass of liberal minded people are the former and the zealots, like Obama, the latter.

Not to take anything away from your comments but they were condensed neatly seven decades ago. I've known some petty lefties but never I have I seen it on display on so prominent a "leader" as occupies the Presidency today. "Socialism is the grandiose rationalization of petty resentments." -Ludwig von Mises

"Socialism is the grandiose rationalization of petty resentments."

That goes into the "quotations book".

The Gunslinger


Martin Owens:
V.S. Nailpul put it best in THE RETURN OF EVA PERON: " a child's vision of power and revenge". 

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