Monday, July 27, 2009

More Crap from the Hulking Hag

And I did not do due diligence—I believed it. Shame on me. (And shame on 'them' for being so extreme, that it would even occur to me it was true.)

The picture, however, is real....and my grooming advice stands.

I'm not removing it, because I posted it.'s funny.

The (embarrassed) Gunslinger

God...they will say matter how it conflicts with published, proven facts and reality as we know it.

In spite of everything, I'm still surprised by the pure chutzpah of these people.

This Hag and her supporters are lying to our faces, knowing that we know it, and don't even care. This is the statement that Sødie-Mayer is attempting to suggest was "taken out of context"
In the speech delivered to the San Juan chapter of NOW, Sotomayor said, “I want to be perfectly clear about this next comment so that there is no mistaking my words to mean something other than what they plainly say: the time has come to end white male oppression by castrating every white male until they are no longer dominant in Western culture. That means forcible removal of their testicles. I realize the brutality of my comment, and I don’t know how to say it more clearly.”
Except for the link, what follows, I stand by:

I don't think "context" means what they think it means.

To them, "taking something out of context" means "discovering something they don't want you to discover."

Here's the story.

And just for the record, would it hurt her to wash her hair, apply a little makeup, stop wearing blazers with short sleeves (ugh!), and stand up straight? She bears a striking resemblance to someone named Igor.

I know, that doesn't make her a bad judge. She's already that. But, no sense in being utterly unattractive in the bargain. It's not necessary to look like the dough-boy because you're on the bench.

New Flash for Feminists: People don't take unkempt, greasy looking women more seriously than well-groomed ones.

The Gunslinger


  1. Whoa,there,Gunny! Upper left-hand corner says "News unemcumbered by facts"...It's a satire site.(Snopes link came up when I googled "Sotomayor,San Juan NOW speech",with history of blog-spread). Then again,it's "true" in a metaphorical way.Anyways,you can tell she's slinging bullshit...when I first saw her speak,I had a deja vu feeling.Then it hit me...she speaks in the same manner as Al Gore! Same pedantic,smug,faux-intellectual speaker who just KNOWS they're talking to "lesser" people than them.Wait...Obama does the same...Previous generations called it "Blowing smoke up our ass".

  2. You almost had me for a moment there, GS - though I can't imagine how I hadn't heard it on the radio or anywhere else before. Hehe - good site; looks like it'll be better than "The Onion" maybe :)

  3. I think GS did believe Sotomayor said it, because she's primed to believe things like that.

  4. Steve, you are exactly right! The outrages of this administration have almost left me without the capacity of being surprised.

    But I do try not to give false info, nevertheless.

    I failed in this case. But unlike Obama, I'm not hiding the evidence.

  5. OYE!!!!! One needs to check ones facts.

  6. Yes one does...and I left this up as an object lesson. And a reminder of exactly that.
