Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Unpatriotic Press

This is a long and intelligent article about the role of the press in the Iraq war...and a recognition of the tremendous power the media have in forming public opinion.

A side note: When you consider how the bottom-feeding press is only interested in trolling for the VERY WORST stories of the war, it is astounding that all they have been able to come up with is a couple of prison guards of questionable taste, and a handful of (possibly) criminal Marines. (And of course the daily body count, terrorist successes and top billing for religious and Anti-West fanatics.)

Imagine what they could come up with if they were actually looking for stories of kindness, honor, courage, appreciation and Coalition success. What a concept!

So, if you think the war is a resounding failure, a quagmire and a mess, remember, that opinion is the result of information given to you by people who are heavily invested in making sure you believe exactly that.

The Gunslinger

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