Wednesday, November 15, 2006

UK Docs: Murdering Newborns Viable Option


In a pronouncement that would make Pete Singer proud,Britain's Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology recently recommended exploring euthanasia for disabled infants as a means of sparing families the "burden" of raising special-needs children. Arguing that the availability of "deliberate interventions to kill infants" may "impact... obstetric decision-making, even preventing some late abortions," the College urged medical ethicists "to think more radically about non-resuscitation, withdrawal of treatment decisions... and active euthanasia."

The College spouted the compassionate-sounding mantra that "a very disabled child can mean a disabled family," calling euthanasia one method of "widening the management of options available to the sickest of newborns." How these newborns are to manage this "option," however, remains unclear.
How old does the kid have to be before you can no longer kill it for cramping your lifestyle, causing you stress, or having a adverse affect on your family.

Can you kill him when he's three? Seven? 15? Where's the cut-off date? How about all the way to 21? Then, when he grows up and you become a burden on him, how old do you have to be before he can kill you? 65? 70? 82?

That should be a fun debate in the House of Commons.

These guys are the secular "HUMANISTS", no doubt.

The Gunslinger

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