Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Kurd PM: CNN America's Al Jazeera


Far from the flag-waving patriotic journalists of yesteryear, today's media divas even shun the wearing of American flag lapel pins during this time of war.

In addition, their daily death tolls and corresponding "milestones," their bashing of the commander-in-chief and all manner of negative coverage clearly embolden the enemy. Of course, our allies in Iraq are taking notice.

Nerchivan Barzani, Prime Minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan regional government, recently met with families of American Patriots in uniform who have fallen in service to our---and his---country. He had a message for the American news media: "CNN International and Al Jazeera are equally bad in their coverage of the situation in Iraq." Needless to say, that's quite an indictment.

Speaking to the delegation of Gold Star Families, he added, "When I was in the United States recently and read the negative news in the Washington Post, New York Times and in the network TV broadcasts, I even wondered if things had gotten so bad since I had left that I shouldn't return."

Now that Democrats are in control of Congress we expect that the world will suddenly become a better place to the media.


The Gunslinger

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