Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nancy's World

I live about 5 miles from San Francisco. It is the town I was born in; the town in which my parents grew up, met and married.

This week, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted to outlaw the Junior ROTC from San Francsico Schools. It is a popular program, and has been in San Francisco schools for nearly 100 years.

At the meeting "dozens of JROTC cadets...burst into tears".

What the Supervisors said: "We need to teach a curriculum of peace."

What the Supervisors meant: "Fuck the people. We know what they should have, what they should know, what they should learn. We know best how they should feel, what they may join, how they may behave and what they may say."

And they wonder why they are the boogey man and laughing stock of the country.

On another front:

A bedroom community-suburb of San Francisco, Belmont (which is the town in which I grew up) has just passed an ordinance that outlaws smoking cigarettes everywhere in the town except inside detached single family dwellings. If you are travelling through Belmont, smoking in your car, you can be stopped and ticketed!...If you are on a sidewalk, in a park, on a hill, in a parking lot smoking, you can be ticketed. If your wife doesn't want you smoking in the house, I guess you have to drive to the next town to light up.

Of course, if you light up in your own house, and have children, no doubt they will take your children away from you because you endangered their lives by smoking.

Good luck to them all.

I am SO out of this insane asylum as soon as possible.

Walled, armed compound, North Dakota.

It'll take them longer to get to me there. If we don't stop them, they'll take over the country.

It's called LOSS OF LIBERTY, people. It's called TYRANNY. Get a goddamned clue.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Compounds sound like a good idea. What's a mini-fortress go for these days?
