Sunday, October 22, 2006

Uniting Against the Jihadis

If all the negative talk about Iraq is starting to get to you, read this.

If you're starting to get wobbly in your support of the war, read this.

If Patrick Buchanan is starting to sound sensible to you, read this.

If you wonder if it really WAS a good idea to invade Iraq, read this.

And then, vote Republican this November, so we can finish what we started.

The Gunslinger


  1. What 'positive' things are to say about Iraq?

    Isn't it true that the Iraq regime was secular and about as 'non Jihadi' as you can find in the Middle East?

    Two questions: 1) Do you really believe that invading Iraq was an urgent necessity -- i.e. that the threat Iraq posed to the US was so great and so immediate that a full scale war/invasion was the only answer?; and 2) considering the current violent chaos there (the only possible honest description), what makes you believe the US can impose some sort of reconciliation on a people so seemingly factious?

  2. Well, heck, you gotta read the story. It doesn't sound like you did.

    I thought it was rather inspiring and hopeful.

    And, actually, I LIKE having so many terrorists and fanatics concentrating their efforts, money, personnel and weapons all in one place.

    Uh...war is chaos. I don't get why this is a surprise to anyone.

    Yep, I think it likely that Saddam Hussein would have been, and certainly wanted to be a major player in the development and distributon of WMD in the region. And he was certainly supporting, aiding and abetting Islamic terrorism.

    But then, I think we should hold Mecca as a hostage against further Islamic violence—anywhere in the world. So maybe I'm not one to talk to about proportionate response and urgent necessity.

    What can I say.

  3. LOVELY POST GS,all those pretty colours,how cute,makes me want to tweek your cheeks and say"oh bless"(cheeks on your face,dirty mind)

  4. I just got bored. So, sue me.
