Monday, October 23, 2006

Speaker? Vote!


  1. WHO the bloody hell is she,WHAT is her problem,very strange picture and heading Gunslinger,please explain!.

  2. Her name is Nancy Pelosi, and she's currently the leader of the Democrats in the House. If her party gains control of the House in the upcoming mid-term elections, unless the Democrats choose a new leader she will become speaker of the House, and therefore second in line (after Vice President Cheney) to take over as President.

    Which is indeed a scary thought.

    She is a thoroughgoing mediocrity.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Mediocrity is what the people who like her call her.

    We members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy despise her. She's what's called a "San Franciso Liberal" which means she fell off the Socialist end of the measureable political spectrum a long time ago.

    Anonymous is right about succession, but that's really not much of an issue.

    What's most important is: at the moment she's minority leader in the House of The point is to NOT make her majority leader, potentially voted by her majority to "Speaker of the House of Representatives." The Speaker has lots of power —esentially sets the legislative agenda.

    And it would be a VERY BAD THING.

    We're at the hot end of an election cycle (we vote on November 7.) And that picture was just to remind anyone who's passing by what could happen if they don't vote Repbulican.

    And I love the baby-leg popcicle. What can I say?
