Monday, October 23, 2006

Sheehan Forms 3rd Party

Creepy Sheehan wants to start a 3rd party to challenge the Democrats and Republicans. The post at Hot Air on the subject contains the following comments:

"Great… we’ll have the Donkey, the Elephant, and the Moonbat…" (E L Frederick)

"Only for a while. Eventually, they’ll realize that the fragmentation prevents them from winning any elections, and they’ll reunite, forming the assbats." (morganfrost)

The Gunslinger


  1. Sheehan's opposition to the Iraq war is well grounded, including a painful personal loss. Whether or not a third party can founded thereon is another matter. However, it is true that while democrats make noise against the war, they are not a credible opposition because they vote to continue funding it.

  2. Pa-leeze.

    Her grief may be real...but...

    ...she's a media whore who's exploited her son's death for a cause he didn't support. She's contemptible. Have you ever heard her actually talk? She's a nincompoop; a media creation who believes her own press. It's pathetic.

    She is like the Jersey Girls, about whom I am in full agreement with Ann Coulter. When she chose to leap into the political fray, attempting to use her son's death as a shield, she lost the cover of "grieving Mother" and became just another "political activist". Without, I might add, any particular "moral authority".

    But don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE her to form a third party. It'd split the Democatic vote and assure Republican wins for the foreseeable future.

    On this, I am totally on her side.

  3. Have you ever heard her actually talk?

    I don't have to. But yes, I have.

    I don't have to because, even without actually hearing the voice of Cindy Sheehan, I see the Iraq war for what it is -- a disaster that to date has primarily served to plunge Iraq into murderous chaos and to motivate and train 'terrorists' -- the latter aspect is something the CIA has asserted.

    So I pay attention to the gist of what she is saying, and not so much to the circus that surrounds her, part of which is -- indeed -- her own (at times) clownishness.

    ...she's a media whore...


    Let me suggest something to you: in order to get attention, one has to be -- "by definition" -- a bit of a 'media whore'. But I think this is an ugly term to apply to Sheehan. While I do not personally approve of everything she says and does, I think it takes a lot of guts to put oneself out there in the public eye.

  4. 1) The gist of what she says is mindless moonbat bullshit."War is bad. Peace is good. Stop war. Make Peace. I hate Bush, I hate Bush, I hate Bush, I hate Bush."

    2) It takes no courage to "put yourself out there" when what you are seeking is fame, a sense of importance and self-aggrandizement.

    "I see the Iraq war for what it is.."

    Yes, I understand that you see the war in the way your politics demand. But that doesn't give you the monopoly on truth, Anon, only on "certainty".

    In that, you have much in common with St. Sheehan, so it's no surprise you would defend her.

    She has every right to say what she says. But she has absolutely no right to my respect, approval, or charity.

    She's one of those pathetic chumps who, seeking to "be somebody" is used and discarded by even worse opportunists than she. If she'd shown even a modicum of grace or decency, I might feel sorry for her. But she didn't, and I don't.

  5. 1) The gist of what she says is mindless moonbat bullshit."War is bad. Peace is good. Stop war. Make Peace. I hate Bush, I hate Bush, I hate Bush, I hate Bush."

    I don't think so. Sheehan's 'beef' is that the reason given by Bush for the war that killed her son -- that Iraq had, and was actively developing, WMDs, and therefore there was a real, imminent danger that these would fall into the hands of 'terrorists', making Iraq an immediate threat to US security -- has been, at this point, revealed to be total bullshit. Perhaps even a deliberate lie, depending on how much credence you want to put in the 'Downing Street Memos'. And while they seem pretty credible to most people, I would not be surprised if you did not find them so.
