Monday, October 23, 2006

New Threat on the Horizon

"Barack Obama is the anti-Hillary Hillary. His positions on the issues of the day are every bit as radical and leftist as hers. The difference lies in his ability to sell it."

He sounds moderate, reasonable. He's black and at the moment seems to be without any political or personal baggage.

He's dangerous in the same way Dianne Feinstein has been for so long. Because of her personal style, people have thought of her as more moderate than Barbara Boxer, the Liberal firebrand.

But if you check Feinstein's voting record, she votes right along with Boxer on a majority of issues.

Obama is the same. Sounds, looks, presents himself as a thoughtful, new generation of moderate Democrat. But look at his voting record. It's the same old socialist agenda of the same old Democratic party.

The Gunslinger

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