Saturday, June 13, 2020

This is How You Lose a Nation

 Comment  by Snafupress on a website I frequent:

No one has every been "Cancelled" for being a liberal.  
Read Andrew Sullivan's brilliant piece in NY Magazine explaining how leftists use fear and intimidation to quell dissent, chill debate, purge those who ask questions, and ruin people who are not sufficiently enthusiastic in their support for the leftist's orthodoxy:

"We have co-workers eager to weaponize their ideology to purge the workforce. We have employers demanding our attendance at seminars and workshops to teach this ideology. 

"We have journalists (of all people) poring through other writers’ work or records to get them in trouble, demoted, or fired. We have faculty members at colleges signing petitions to rid their departments of those few left not fully onboard. We have human-resources departments that have adopted this ideology whole and are imposing it as a condition for employment. And, critically, we have a Twitter mob to hound people into submission."

More from Sullivan's article: 

"The orthodoxy goes further than suppressing contrary arguments and shaming any human being who makes them. It insists, in fact, that anything counter to this view is itself a form of violence against the oppressed. 

"The reason some New York Times staffers defenestrated op-ed page editor James Bennet was that he was, they claimed, endangering the lives of black staffers by running a piece by Senator Tom Cotton, who called for federal troops to end looting, violence, and chaos, if the local authorities could not. 

"This framing equated words on a page with a threat to physical life — the precise argument many students at elite colleges have been using to protect themselves from views that might upset them. 

"But, as I noted two years ago, we all live on campus now. In this manic, Manichean world you’re not even given the space to say nothing. 

“ 'White Silence = Violence'  is a slogan chanted and displayed in every one of these marches. It’s very reminiscent of totalitarian states where you have to compete to broadcast your fealty to the cause. 

"In these past two weeks, if you didn’t put up on Instagram or Facebook some kind of slogan or symbol displaying your wokeness, you were instantly suspect. The cultishness of this can be seen in the way people are actually cutting off contact with their own families if they don’t awaken and see the truth and repeat its formulae. 

"Ibram X. Kendi insists that there is no room in our society for neutrality or reticence. "

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