Transgenderism is just the latest iteration of the alternative
universe inhabited by the so called progressive LEFT.
Other examples
include such concepts as:
Obama is a great president
Hillary is
not a criminal and the most qualified person ever to run for president
Iran's nuclear program has been stopped
Islam is a religion
of peace
America is a racist country
Only white people can
be racist
Obama saved us from the worst recession since the
CO2 is a pollutant
Anthropogenic global warming is actually happening
The so-called rich don't pay their fare share
There is no
difference between men and women
All cultures are equal
religions are irrelevant and dangerous...except Islam
The only
way to come back to reality is to kick out of office every democrat and
elect the Donald no matter how flawed he may appear.
MLR (American Thinker)
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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