Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Only Answer

One of the (dis) advantages of Twitter is the instant access to news and information. And one of the subjects that repeatedly shows up on my Timeline are outrages committed by muslims qua muslims.

Sickening, debauched, horrifying, violent, often sexual, perversions...perpetrated on a regular basis, upon various innocents including defenseless women and children, by the disgusting, revolting, scabrous followers of the sick fuck, mohammad.

It's clear that islam is nothing more than an excuse for feral men running wild through the world indulging those perversions without scruple.

They are a scourge, a blight, a plague on the earth, and must be eradicated by WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY.

I wrote in a comment not too long ago:

A scourge, a blight. Literally tools of the devil. They are what horror movie villains are made of, supposed to be "fictional", but here they are, alive and kicking, drooling and slavering to invade and destroy the West.

I have lost all feelings of identification with them as fellow human beings. And they do not deserve the respect and care and protection we accord animals. They are like savage aliens, a danger to our planet, all life on it, and our very civilization.

Those who disagree, be warned, isolated and occasional examples of 'slimes* acting (or pretending to be) almost human will not sway me in the least away from this assessment.

I read that comment just now, and I've changed my mind about one thing. These muslim repuslives are not like fictional horror movie villains because their deeds are so horrific, so utterly unspeakable that any movie villain who committed them would instantly been seen as "too over the top" and unbelievable.

That's the degree to which these people are, virtually, inhuman.

There is no solution but their complete and utter extinction.

Does that sound harsh?

I'd make it sound worse if I could, but I can't find the words to express my REAL feelings about them.

I do have one caveat...and that is this:  I suspect there are millions of muslims who would prefer NOT TO BE muslims...but such are their cultures and the nature of their demented religion that they are unable to leave its clutches. While we're busy eradicating islam and its hateful, "faithful" followers, let's also be busy liberating its unwilling slaves.


*Contraction of  "mu-slimes", which, I believe, is self-explanatory.


  1. I think that, while there _may_ be a few who call themselves muslims only to avoid the danger of being branded as apostates, most identify as muslims - even if they don't wish to kill every infidel or apostate, or enslave all non-muslims - because they still like much of what islam offers. The right to do anything to your wife you wish, whether she is willing or not. To be able to beat and/or kill your daughters if they adopt Western ways and "dishonor" the family. To treat non-muslim women as "uncovered 'meat' ". And other cultural perversions encouraged and protected by the qur'an and hadith.

    The Ayatollah Khomeini - head religious leader of Iran until he died - wrote a two volume book called Tahrir-ol-vasyleh, a book about the code of conduct in islam. In it, he related that it was acceptable for a man to "slake his lust" using an infant, if he only penetrated it anally. If he penetrated the infant vaginally _and damaged her_ he would be responsible for her subsistence for the rest of her life (unspoken was how long her was required to keep her alive, fed, or healthy, and the fact he could continue to use her anally _or_ vaginally at that point, and that he could pass her around to other men in the family, or friends). Also, Khomeini said that if a man were to have anal sex with a brother, father, father-in-law, etc. it would not invalidate his marriage to his wife.

    And lest you think only muslims men love islam, know that muslim women are often in favor of their husbands abusing infants or having sex slaves ("war brides" or purchased from other muslims), because then they don't have to provide vaginal and anal sex to their husbands quite as often. And the sex slaves can be used like a rented mule by the wives, as well as beaten by them at will.

    So, you won't find many who call themselves muslim who are willing to give up these "perks", even if they are not ready to run to Iraq or Syria to die for ISIS. People who love to talk about their smiling, friendly muslim neighbors like to kid themselves that those muslims are willing and desirous of assimilating into American culture and values. For probably 95% of those muslims, they haven't the least desire to do so, and whatever rules of the qur'an and hadith they are breaking, well it is allowed if necessary to keep a low profile until there are enough muslims living there to drop the pretenses. Ask the Europeans how that is working out for them.

    1. Gunslinger,

      Re-reading this, I think it might sound like I am being critical of your post. I really did not mean for it to come off that way. I know nothing is totally black or white, but I truly do think there may be fewer muslims who wish not to be muslims than you might think. "Looking in the mirror" we imagine there _must_ be people who identify as muslims who are actually decent people. While I'll agree there probably are some, I think they are few and far between. The perversions and ability to stone the victims of rape as "adulterers, etc., are just too damn attractive to those raised in that culture. Maybe there _area_ a million or so out of the billion muslims who infest the Earth, but I think you'd be hard put to identify them, or believe them if they made that claim. A few, like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, have denounced islam, or wish to do so, but still live where they cannot risk doing so. Considering what islam allows men to do versus what it allows women to do, my money is on most of the million(s) being women, along with a few men who truly love their wives and children, and _don't_ follow the qur'an and hadith - and therefore aren't really muslims, even if they identify as one.

      Sorry if my tone wasn't clearer on not being critical, just giving my no-more-valid-than-anyone-else's opinion.
