But there is ONE reason to. He seems serious about immigration. And if there is anything that will change our country beyond redemption, it is too many of the wrong kind of people.
I know, I sound like a 1950's Country Club snob, but I mean it.
There's a "type" that built America, and it isn't the "type" that comes here illegally and then leeches off the rest of us demanding we respect their culture and language and traditions and religions.
My grandparents & great-grandparents, respectively, were courageous people who left the land of their birth with little more than a suitcase, and traveled thousands of dangerous miles in order to MAKE a better life for themselves and their children.
They didn't expect to be supported by the State, didn't demand special consideration and respect for their cultures and languages, but rather wanted—couldn't WAIT— to assimilate into the American culture, and learned English.
They were tough, strong and brave. And they helped "build" America.
Exactly the opposite of the sort of immigrants Ă˜bama the America-Hater wants to flood our country with now.
Unless we can stop this massive influx, our country will be stolen from us and ruined beyond recognition.
That is a strong reason to support Trump.
BUT, as much as I like the guy, Donald Trump does not seem to be for smaller, limited Constitutional Government. In this interview with "Field & Stream" there's this exchange:
F&S: I’d like to talk about public land. Seventy percent of hunters in the West hunt on public lands managed by the federal government. Right now, there’s a lot of discussion about the federal government transferring those lands to states and the divesting of that land. Is that something you would support as President?
TRUMP: I don’t like the idea because I want to keep the lands great, and you don’t know what the state is going to do. I mean, are they going to sell if they get into a little bit of trouble? And I don’t think it’s something that should be sold. We have to be great stewards of this land. This is magnificent land. And we have to be great stewards of this land. And the hunters do such a great job—I mean, the hunters and the fishermen and all of the different people that use that land. So I’ve been hearing more and more about that. And it’s just like the erosion of the Second Amendment. I mean, every day you hear Hillary Clinton wants to essentially wipe out the Second Amendment. We have to protect the Second Amendment, and we have to protect our lands.
Here's my take on what he said: "I think the professionals in Washington D.C. will do a better job of managing the precious government lands than those hicks from the States. God only knows what they might do with it! They might even sell it if they need money."
Yeah, Donald, they might sell some of that land to private individuals (like Real Estate Developers) instead of having huge swaths of land in their States owned by the Central Government. Note the West is almost entirely government land. Check out this map. The RED is government land.
Some (like this map) foolishly call it "public" land. But it is "government" land into which The Public can only enter by government permission. Seems to me, whoever has control over the land is, in effect, the owner of it.
By extension, Trump appears to be perfectly okay with big government as long as it's "managed properly", as he proposes to do. As much as good management might make things somewhat better for a limited time, the size and power of our bureaucratic government can never really be made to function well, honestly, efficiently, economically.
Indeed, in many respects, as we have recently discovered, it functions criminally!
That's why it MUST be cut down to size. To Constitutional size and limited power.
Divesting itself of control over almost one half of the Continental land mass would be a good start!
Ted Cruz, let's be honest, is the only guy running, and maybe the only guy in Washington, who's willing, and capable of doing just that.
As Donald talks about "making good deals", the democrats and Republicans, are, no doubt, thinking, 'okay, maybe we can work with a guy willing to "make deals". We know we can't work with that lunatic, Cruz, who wants to take away all our perks and privileges and cash streams, and cozy relationships with crony-capitalists and lobbyists and special interests.'
I believe that Donald Trump loves America and want to fix/save it. But I think he is a product of his life experience...one in which good management of a company makes for a successful, prosperous business.
But the government is so leviathan, having a life of its own, that simple management from the top will never, indeed, CAN NEVER, make considerable enough an impact to make it run properly.
As President, maybe Trump will discover that. And that may move him into Constitutionalist territory. But there's no guarantee of that. And as my first choice, I'm afraid I have to go with the guy that already has that learning curve behind him.
I will certainly, and happily support Trump if he's the nominee. I believe in his good intentions, and his commitment to Make America Great Again.
But in the primary, I will vote for Ted Cruz, whose plan...not just his intentions...will indeed Make America Great Again.
Yes, yes, and yes!
ReplyDelete"Unless we can stop this massive influx, our country will be stolen from us and ruined beyond recognition."
ReplyDeletecorrect, and Cruz won't
Trump claims he can work with Pelosi, Reid and even Schumer - but not with Cruz. Trump talks as though "the deal" is all that counts and I have never heard him mention the Constitution except the second Amendment.
ReplyDeleteWhile I am grateful that Trump is loud and outspoken about immigration, what kind of a "deal" is he going to make when talk must be turned into law? How much of the Constitution gets put through the shredder so Trump can work with House and Senate Democrats?
Why all the furor directed at Cruz by Trump? Is Cruz more dangerous to America than Schumer, is he simply more dangerous to Trump? Did Trump get his inspiration from an old musical, What's good for General Bullmoose, is good for the USA?
We don't need a business man (or woman) skilled at making deals - we need a moral and principled person whose respect for the Constitution is bigger than their ego.
Hey Tony, if I could jump in here, I think probably Trump is hitting Cruz because he's his biggest primary threat. Should he get the nomination, I suspect they'll be best buds again.
DeleteAs someone said in another venue, since I wrote this, when Trump says he can "work" with someone, it means he'll get what he wants from them, not the other way around.
And THAT's a comforting thought!
I wish I had your confidence about deal makers, but from own experience in business, a deal is a compromise, you get something you want and I get something I want and we both walk away happy. It gets even better if both sides think they got one over on the other. That is dealing. So now tell me, where is it you want to compromise with Pelosi, Reid or Schumer? The number of bullets in the mag? Barrel length? Some abortion funding? Obama Care? Spending only half of what we don't have? Lets take more land for the gov but pay less for it?
DeleteYour idea of what Trump means by "working" with someone is not what he means. It is only your wishful thinking of what he means.
Cruz is the biggest primary threat to Trump, I agree but that does not justify the level of mud slinging Trump has stooped to.
I don't pay much attention to what the media says about either Cruz or Trump. I listen to them and it is what Trump says that convinces me he is just a big egotist in search of a big government position to add to his resume. That in itself doesn't make him bad but it doesn't make him good either.
I ask....
ReplyDeleteWhich candidate is the establishment attacking? Why Trump and not Cruz? What does that imply?
Is Goldman Sachs going to make America great again? Are they part of the establishment? Does Mrs. Cruz work for Goldman? Has Mr. Cruz taken almost a million dollars in contributions from Goldman, and loans which he says he forgot to disclose? Might GS expect something in return for their money?
Prioritization is critical here. If the immigration system is not fixed, as the author says, then all is lost.
If the establishment thinks the current immigration system is fine as it is, and wants much, much more of the same, which candidate is more likely to make a change? The one the establishment is attacking, or the one they are backing?
Supplemental reading...
The establishment backing Cruz? Give me a break. Nor are they backing Trump or attacking him any more than Cruz. And aren't both of them media sweethearts?
ReplyDeleteIf you are really depending on Trump the deal maker to fix things, you better first understand with whom he is willing to deal. In his own words he can deal with extreme leftists, but not a Texas conservative. Really? He can work with Reid but not Cruz, or he more afraid that Cruz is catching him? How about you Anon - you could work with Pelosi but not Cruz? I like the Donald, and I like Carson too, and my barber, but liking isn't enough reason to vote for someone.
If Cruz has done something wrong and you have concrete proof, produce it. You speculate a lot but offer no real evidence Anon. I don't let innuendo guide my judgment. BTW, I worked for Aon so what does that make me? And who may I ask have you worked for or associated with? Do you have a wife and children and where do they work? Where do you go shopping? What TV shows do you watch? Is there reason there to discredit everything you say?
I will say this, if Trump wins the primaries I'll back him. It sounds like Trump would rather work with Democrats than conservatives and I wonder if he would back Cruz, or would he prefer Hilary or Bernie, because he sounds like he would. How about you Anon? His campaign started well but is now in the run amok phase of desperation. He contributed much but it is a tragic finish, not for him, but for our country.
Tony,I suppose we agree to disagree.
ReplyDeleteI've made the point I was trying to convey, and I've offered a link to some information which I believe supports much of what I have offered here.
I'll leave you with these thoughts.
As long as Mr. Trump is controlling the lead, and thus the dialogue, the more taboos will be broken about what is, and what is not acceptably up for debate in this country. He's reframing the narrative, and taking back some of the power of the political correctness that's been so caustic to an open and honest discussion in this country. That's good for people like you and me who are truly concerned with saving this country before it's too late, even if we disagree on the best way to get there.
And for the record, I don't count on any politician for anything, period, including Mr Trump... but I believe the movement behind him, the movement itself, may be the last best chance, politically, we have to right the ship.
Anon, watching Trump vs FNC over the debate he's boycotting, you have to admire Donald's tactics.
DeleteHe won't be there, but the debate will be ALL ABOUT HIM.
Without showing up, he OWNS it.
I actually LIKE the idea of a Deal-Maker as president...as long as he's making the right kind of deals, and knows when to walk away, and use leverage, and get what he wants!
And we all have to admit, Trump seems to be a pro at it.
DeleteHere's a little more on our incestuous political system, and on who stood to gain from Fox ambushing Trump. Mark Levin is also acting much more like an establishment guy these days, wouldn't you say?
I believe we can agree Trump has been a positive force by breaking the PC thought barrier which allows others to follow.
ReplyDeleteIt is unfortunate that Trump now resorts to saying he can't work with Cruz but he can work with Schumer, Pelosi and Reid. He has lowered the dignity of the debate and if he must now get ahead by tearing others down, shame on him and those who approve of that tactic. He did that. No one forced him to change.
I like VDARE, but repeating nonsensical hearsay does not make it true. The accusations against Cruz about his loans are pure crap and simply capitalizing on a public dislike for Goldman Sachs. So is anyone who borrows money from Goldman Sachs using their own holdings as collateral now no good? People working for them are also no good based on nothing else but their employment?
The difference between us is I can support Cruz without tearing down Trump. He tears himself down with his own mouth and you only have to repeat what he says to start to understand what he really stands for. If quoting Donald is tearing him down, he is his worst enemy. Regardless of what he says that we like about immigration, we are not electing a Johnny One-note president whose other ideas are not conservative at all. Cruz has his head in the right place on immigration, but it isn't the only tune he can carry.
Another problem with Trump is his belief that all we have to do is replace Obama with him, and he can start fixing things. Our problem stems from that kind of thinking that big government is fine as long as we elect the right leader. We don't need another pen and telephone president, even if we agree with him.
Like I said, if Trump wins the nomination, he has my vote though in the primaries, I'm all for Cruz.