Sunday, January 24, 2016

Quote of the Day...

"Two plus two still always equals 4, but only a liberal democrat thinks somehow they can get six out of the equation, just cause they want to." 

Kent Powers


  1. 2 + 2 = whatever the state says it equals (1, 5, 6, 1132 - depends on what the state needs). Orwell, a socialist, was more aware of socialism's potential for tyranny than many who claimed to be anti-socialist. New Math demoncraps justify Orwells fear.

    BTW, we same the same math in your excellent post Abbot and Costello versus the unemployment rate. Clever and good!

  2. I wanna ask, "How did it come to this?" But then I remember. Human Nature.


  3. Samuel did God's bidding and tried to talk the Jewish people out of their desire to have a king. I'll bet that was a heated argument with Samuel and a minority of conservatives on one side, but the majority on the other side prevailed and a loving God abided by the gift of free will and yielded.

    The people that would have a King Obama, Queen Hilary, Prince Bernie, and yes, to some extent Baron Trump are not that much different than the ancients they put their faith in a human as a means for achieving "greatness."

    The Bible is the Book of Human Nature, Its Foibles and Follies. Nothing new in substance has yet to replace it, only the details change.
