Friday, January 22, 2016

No Redemption for These Proto-Human Monsters.

Islam is a plague on Planet Earth, and must be exterminated by whatever means necessary, as soon as possible.


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In case you have any doubts. Read this:

Islamic traditions from the Hadith prohibit Islamists from owning or engaging with dogs, with certain exceptions. Not only are dogs abhorred but they are brutally killed.
It is important to understand that no PETA, Human Society, SPCA, animal rights or rescue groups exist in Islamic countries.

No legal protections against animal cruelty exist in Islamic countries where the common practice is killing dogs and puppies with acid injections. Acid chemically burns and destroys internal organs and tissues while also causing extreme metabolic disturbance (acidosis) and brutally, painfully kills the animal.

It is legal, encouraged, and widely practiced to torture and kill dogs in the manner evidenced in the video below.

WARNING: animal cruelty and torture of dogs is seen and heard on this video. 

In Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 7, Book 77, Hadith 843, Islamists are warned, “Angels will not enter a house that contains a dog …” .

However, Islamists can own dogs if they are used as guard dogs, hunting dogs, or shepherd dogs. According to Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 67, Hadith 389, “Anyone who keeps a dog merely as a pet, and not a hunting or guard dog, shall have two Qirats [prayer readings] deducted every day from his accumulated good deeds.”

Additionally– owners must wash out their dog’s water dish seven times because a dog’s saliva is considered unclean. This instruction is found in Abu Huraira in Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Hadith 173: “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘If a dog drinks from the utensil of anyone of you it is essential to wash it seven times.’”

For example, the perspective taught is that, “Allah knows best; dogs carry diseases in their saliva.”

Another tradition records an incident when Muhammad commanded his followers to kill all dogs on sight. He later relented on the condition of “all.” From Sahih Muslim, Book 10, Hadith 3813, Jabir bin Abdullah explains:
“Allah’s Messenger … ordered us to kill dogs, and we carried out this order so much so that we also killed a dog coming with a woman from the desert. Then Allah’s Apostle … forbade their killing. He [the Holy Prophet further] said: ‘It is [however] your duty to kill the jet-black [dog] having two spots [on the eyes], for it is a devil.’”
However, most scholars argue that the Qur’an contains no negative instructions about the treatment of dogs. Any ongoing mistreatment of dogs today is traditional or cultural.

In two chapters, Surah XVIII, The Cave, and Surah V, The Food, dogs are mentioned several times but not once in a derogatory way. Also, there are no instructions in the Qur’an to kill dogs.

However, the fact remains that “moderate Muslims” and Shari’a law provide no protections for dogs from being tortured and killed from acid injections. And the same is true for people.

[Let me emphasize this so there is no misunderstanding. /gun]

However, the fact remains that “moderate Muslims” and Shari’a law provide no protections for dogs from being tortured and killed from acid injections. And the same is true for people

Several Islamic countries enforce a hijab dress code only for women, and violators are punished with “acid attacks.”

Extra-judicial enforcement of hijab rules includes what human rights activists call “Vigilante Violence,” or acid attacks. Numerous incidents have been reported of unidentified men “flinging acid into the faces of women with whom they had no history of personal grudges.” Assailants claim they were defending hijab.

If not killed, those leaving Islam and/or have converted to Christianity are also attacked with acid.

Acid is an inexpensive available weapon of choice Islamists use not just on dogs but also on people.

The Author, Bethany Blankley, is the Senior Editor for Her syndicated show, "America's Betrayal," can be heard on Conservative Review Radio, WAAR Radio, and other talk radio stations. Her columns have been published by The Washington Times, Newsday, Western Journalism, Townhall, The Christian Post, Charisma News, and others. She was a former communications strategist to four Senators, one Congressman, one New York governor, and several nonprofits. She holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in Theology and Political Science. Follow her: @bethanyblankley &


  1. What a repulsive group. (always appreciate your blog, Gun)

  2. There is no lower form of life than a muslim. As a matter of fact, there are non-living forms of matter (I am thinking excrement emitted from diseased bowels) that have greater value. Torturing dogs (or other innocent animals) should be cause for doing the same to the perpetrator, but over a period of weeks or months instead.

    1. And for any (not you, Guns, I know) who might take exception with the virulence of my comment, try this on for size:

      And this was his own daughter.

  3. A scourge, a blight. Literally tools of the devil. They are what horror movie villains are made of, supposeds to be "fictional", but here they are, alive and kicking drooling and slavering to invade and destroy the West.

    I have lost all feelings of identification with them as fellow human beings. And they do not deserve the respect and care and protection we accord animals. They are like savage aliens, a danger to our planet, all life on it, and our very civilization.

    Those who disagree, be warned, isolated and occasional examples of 'slimes acting (or pretending to be) almost human will not sway me in the least away from this assessment.

  4. I read my previous comment just now, and I've changed my mind about one thing. These muslim repuslives are not like "fictional horror movie villains" because their deeds are so horrific, so inhuman, so utterly unspeakable that any movie villain who committed them would instantly been seen as "too over the top" and unbelievable.

    That's the degree to which these people are virtually inhuman.

    There is no solution but their complete and utter extinction.
