Friday, September 04, 2015

We Speak ENGLISH Here!

I simply could not believe it. Apparently the pope is coming to America. And he will be saying Mass. In Spanish.

Yes. In The United States of America. He will be insulting every single citizen of, and every Catholic in this English speaking country by using the FOREIGN language OF THE INVADERS to say Mass.

More evidence that the Devil is loose in the world. And has apparently managed to take over the papacy.

This is so disgusting it actually makes me sick to my stomach. I was raised a Catholic, and while I no longer "believe", I generally have respect for the Pope. But this asshole has utterly destroyed that.

He's a fucking, anti-human marxist asshole who wouldn't recognize God's plan if it choked him. And let's hope it does.

I read a wag call this viper Pope-Climate-Change. It's funny, but not nearly mean enough.

It's weird. Good Popes didn't make me believe in Jesus, but this lowlife bunghole has convinced me of the reality of Satan.

It's a start.



  1. I believe Ann Barnhardt will explode with the fury of a million dying suns when she hears about this...!!

  2. My mother-a dyed in the wool Catholic seems to think pretty much the same thing. I - a 48 year old white male feel that pretty much every mainstream religion has been subverted.

  3. Another casualty is the old truism often used to identify a question as self-evident: is the Pope Catholic? I'm hanging onto the bear in the woods truism despite intense pressure from PETA.

  4. Yes to all! Either the Pope is no longer "catholic" or the religion has been sub/perverted beyond all recognition.

    (I wonder how much this "pope" had to do with the strangely early retirement of the previous one?)
