Tuesday, August 11, 2015

From the Web

"The reason the U.S. left (yes, this includes many Republicans) worships Islam and aligns themselves with them is because they share parallel ideologies. 
The left, if allowed to do so, will reduce the entire middle class to proletariat status with exactly the same rights that Castro has afforded the common man in Cuba, NONE. 
To the leftist elite, the common man is no more than a farm animal to be used by the state and killed if he fails to toe the state line or is of no use to the collective. 
Given the hundreds of millions of working class people murdered by the left's Socialist ancestors, you'd think that people would realize that Socialist dictators like Barack Obama are simply a bad idea. 
Those like Boehner and McConnel who offer blind unquestioning support to Obama are every bit as evil as Obama."
--Chris Goodmom

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