Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Liberal Press Consternation - Funny!

This from my friend John...who quotes Roy Thompson, British Journalist:


"Editorial content?  That's the stuff we cram between ads!"

by Roy Thompson

On yesterday's recall election in WI, from a friend in Madison, WI:

"Hilarious watching TV news last night!  Local stations preempted network shows to present all the 'drama' of the recall. Editorial boards here  are, of course, made up exclusively of  flaming Liberals, and they  obviously spend way too much time drinking their own Koolaid.  Precious few  ever stray outside Madison city limits!

All were all utterly blind-sided by Walker's landslide victory, which was
blatantly apparent a few minutes after polls closed.  Their cycle of mental constipation was as comical as it was predictable:

First, they were literally paralyzed on-air, despondently trying to figure out what had just happened to them.

Next, they wistfully started talking about long lines in Milwaukee still waiting to vote.  So, '... this is not over yet,' even though everyone knew it was.

Finally, after utter defeat was undeniable, they angrily started talking about how out-of-state-money, from all those despicable Conservatives, unduly influenced the outcome."


_____________________________ mention of out of state Union money...or buses of Union workers (thugs?) arriving to work the elections.

We won. Against all odds. Maybe, just maybe, the worm is turning.

I live in California. I wonder...can there possibly be hope?

The Gunslinger

**Sorry about the stupid non-indention of quotations. But the "new and improved" blogger won't let you indent and have spaces between paragraphs. It insists on putting each such indented paragraph in its own separate box...which looks stupid. I used to be able to foil the stupidity by working directly with the HTML, but now it "corrects" my corrections. New&Improved, don't you know. I'm trying to find a suitable work-around. This is not it, but it's the best I've got right now. TG

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