Monday, June 04, 2012

Dems Stay True to Form

Add this to the accumulated badness that is mounting to the point of convincing me that there really is Evil afoot in the world...and that our job is not just to win political battles for Freedom—as important as that is—but to fight against actual, real, true, Evil. You know, like the Devil and his 'minions'.

I can't believe I said that.

But man, it's hard to imagine any other scenario that explains the sort of stuff going on in the world today.

Now, this isn't necessarily a sign of the apocalypse...just another piled on, amoral, "anything to win",  tactic by people who don't seem to have any sense of right & wrong or honor, or personal dignity, or integrity or sense of fair play, or justice, or honesty, or Americanism; people who have been reduced to lying, cheating, stealing, hustling—whatever it takes—to get their way.

But along with all the rest of the nastiness piling up in every gives me pause.


"Democrats Go Over the Top With Last-Minute Walker Smear

Unbelievable. The Democrats are looking down the barrel of a humiliating defeat in Wisconsin’s recall election on Tuesday, so today they played their last card: they started a rumor that Scott Walker fathered an illegitimate child 24 years ago."


Here's the story on Powerline.

The Gunslinger

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