Thursday, June 28, 2012

Final Take of the Day

Well, I'd hoped the Wills and other congratulatory opinioners had it right, but after listening to Mark Levin and (my hero) Glenn Beck, I can see our first impressions and reactions were right.

Constitutionally, the ØbamaTax is an unmitigated disaster.

Politically, if anything will, this should, awaken that proverbial "sleeping giant", re-energize the Tea Party, and scare the bejeezus out of everyday Americans sufficient to sweep Øbama and all Progressives, both Democrat and Republican, from the face of D.C. and all levels of government.

If there is any possible good news, I suppose that must be it. If it turns out that this foul decision—which permits government total and complete power over our lives—creates the political outrage that leads to the restoration of a government of Constitutionally faithful servants of the people, it might just be a weird and unlikely blessing after all.

But the only way to make that happen is to get serious, get started and get active. Like Braveheart exclaimed, "They may take our lives, but they cannot take our freedom!"

The Gunslinger


  1. Since they didn't get the Commerce Clause they actually gained no more power over us. . . they could tax anything they wanted before this beast passed. . . it is just a loser for them to pass a tax and they know it. . . . this will hurt them = )

    1. Thing is, he could have declared the individual mandate unconstitutional by limiting the Commerce Clause, and left it at that, just like the other 4 justices did.

      There was no reason to rewrite the law to make the penalty a tax, and then declare a tax constitutional.

      If Roberts had not been such an "activist" judge, they would have lost the Commerce Clause AND the Individual Mandate.

  2. Roberts is a typical Beltway Republican establishment wienie.Period.

    1. This doesn't seem 'typical' to me. It seems extraordinary.

      He twisted logic, reason and common sense...not to mention the intent and meaning of the law as written, defended and defined, in order to find this excrement constitutional.

  3. Now that Affordable care is finally here, every time a productive American sees their co-pay go up, every time grandma can't afford medicine because the insurance companies need to cover every one equally, every time their child has trouble getting into the doctor because the people of Wal-Mart are now filling up doctor's offices like they already do the emergency rooms, they will thank Obama.

    This will affect people in a very real way every time they use health care and Obama's name is directly attached to it.

    I see long term potential here.

  4. Problem is, once something like this is established, there is no getting rid of it. The British and Canadians have been trying, and it's damned near impossible. It creates whole departments, boards, committees, bureaus, and a host of bureaucrats, and endless regulations and policies that advantage interest groups that will support it and fight for it, etc.

    We need to repeal it before it gets established, or it's basically....OVER...because if they can do this...they can do anything.

    And they will.

    1. With due respect, you forget:
      SO CAN WE. We are nameless, faceless, anonymous. 100,000 of us could make life onerous at the very least (and severly limited). 3 million? 10? It would be over before anyone knew it. "We now return you to your regular programming."
      Please go back to sleep, Sheeple.
