Tuesday, May 29, 2012

(This is about the loathsome tick, Chris Hayes, at MSNBC who feels "uncomfortable" calling fallen American soldiers heroes.

This, by Kurt Schlichter at Breitbart says it all:

“So, like so many other useless progressive fops who glide from cocktail party to panel discussion, Chris Hayes continues to push his progressive vision of collectivist serfdom from behind the unbreachable wall of American warriors,” Schlichter wrote. “He has not stood with them and, in fact, is unworthy of doing so. He is a parasite taking sustenance from the exertions of better men and women.”

The Gunslinger

UPDATE:  Ann Coulter, my darling girl, said this:
 “Chris Hayes ‘Uncomfortable’ Calling Fallen Military ‘Heroes’ — Marines respond by protecting his right to menstruate.”
(That's funny right there. I don't care who you are...)


1 comment:

  1. Over 100 years ago,didn't Rudyard Kipling write something along the lines of..."Those who mock those who guard them while they sleep"?...or something like that...If evolution was true,wouldn't these weinies have been taken care of by natural selection? (i.e.,the idiots would've been destroyed by their stupidity.Idiocy is protected all too much,nowadays...
