Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Just so you know...

Dept. of Homeland Security Forced to Release List of Keywords Used to Monitor Social Networking Sites


  1. This would be a riot if it were not so close to home. I'm in both risk control engineering and software development and use about 70% of the words on that list all the time for the reports I have to write and transmit.

  2. In other words... if someone working in domestic security saw some kind of cloud suspended above a nuclear facility and they thought was full of toxic radiation and called law enforcement, the CDC, a few hazmat officials- because they could verify it wasn't a dirty bomb so there was no need to inform the FDA because there was little concern about H5N1 contamination, or even any risk of salmonella, E-boli, small pox or influenza to be concerned about, that they could get in trouble for being a domestic terrorist, militia member, even if there were no shots fired or even mention of a shooting?
    Gee, I wonder if someone would call the authorities so they could get some kind of exercise doing a national preparedness drill or something similar.

  3. This is nothing really new - just an expansion and refinement of what has been going on for years. Further, the gov has been profiling people based upon behavior for years as well. For example, the use of large sums of cash. The funny part is that using this against the thugs and low-life criminals who cause far more harm to this county and make entire neighborhood unlivable would send the left ballistic. The difference is the right supports the use of such techniques against "terrorist" and the left their use against "right wing extremist".

  4. Would anyone who thinks our NSA is still at the point of searching for key words, word-pairs, or word-triplets please stand up?
