I'd like to make a simple point here about the appropriateness of a Newt Gingrich presidency.
While it's always a good idea to elect a President that will get things done the way you want them done...it's also important—especially for Conservatives—to elect a President that can clearly and effectively articulate why Conservatism is better.
If he can do that well...he sets the stage for future elections of Conservatives because he teaches the voters why they should want that.
No matter what Newt gets done, or fails to do...he will articulately and entertainingly educate the electorate about the perils of collectivism/communism/socialism, and the glories of liberty.
We don't just need a balanced budget and less spending.
We need American Citizens to know why the hell freedom is important and why the hell all forms of collectivism are so evil!
And right now, considering our education system, our entertainment industry and the general slipshod, sloppy thinking of the Republican establishment...chances of that are slim.
I think we should elect Newt for...if no other reason...his ability and willingness to tell the TRUTH.
Some assholes in the "conservative" press have called him "shameless". (Yes, Ann-I-Used-To-Love-You-Coulter, I'm talking to you.)
But I think he might be Fearless.
And I like that in an American Freedom Warrior.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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