Saturday, October 08, 2011

Job Opportunity!

I would like to formally accept the position offered:

JujuMan has asked me to be Head Gunslinger of his town .

"The Head Gunslinger will be the Gunslinger. Welcome aboard! You have a seat at the table."

You can see what he's up to here.


The Gunslinger


  1. Congrats. You'll probably kill more men than Cecil B. DeMille!

  2. Pretty funny post from BadJuju!

  3. Welcome aboard! We'll be solving some problems at the table. Our way. You are on the council, and will have a vote "that counts". You will also receive free ammunition and light bulbs for life, free room and board, and a non-payable tab at any bar in town. You will be responsible (with the rest of the Table) for other people's freedom to choose what is right. By free, I mean you have to earn it, but you'll get what you earn. You know what I mean.
