"Do you believe the current government has your best interests, and the best interests of the American people at heart?"
You see what the key word is? It's "current". Because it helps us understand and explain why big government is such a bad idea FOR EVERYONE!
The fact is, no matter how much the Statists enjoy power, there will be times in the future when the Free Citizens elect one of their guys into office. And when they do, the question becomes, "hey, Progressive Statists, how do you like BIG GOVERNMENT WITH LOTS OF POWER now?
Somehow what the Statists constantly forget is that in America, power shifts every four years...and that even if you want to give Ă˜bama all the power of a dictator or emperor...there's a new guy coming to take his position in 2 or 6 years...and you might find you don't really want THAT guy to have the power of a dictator or an emperor.
Remember all the freaking out about George W having "too much power"? So their next move is to increase the power of that same office beyond all recognition, so what???
So they can become frantic and frenzied the moment a guy they hate is elected.
What is it about Statists that prevents them from getting it? Sometimes the guy you like isn't the guy who wins. Even when you think you've got all the loose ends tied up and all the loopholes plugged.
Life's funny that way.
It's really pretty simple: In America, if you don't want a "bad" president to have too much power, you can't give too much power to a "good" one.
The power doesn't go away...it just gets transferred to someone you are deathly afraid of.
Let's hope the clueless Statists try to muddle through that logic the best they can.
As you were.
The Gunslinger
(Zombie Killer)
"The power doesn't go away...it just gets transferred to someone you are deathly afraid of."
ReplyDeleteYep. I've been asking that question for a while,
"...If you don't trust politicians, or you don't trust the other side's politicians, then you should want to know, protect and promote this short outmoded piece of paper, because if you don't, if you allow your politicians, while they are in power, to act beyond what is constitutional - and the ONLY thing which prevents them is the public's awareness of their going too far (and believe me, it isn't the Judges or Congress, it is YOU - if the Law ceases to live in We The People, it will cease to live - and cease to protect you) - then you can be assured that there will be even less restraint upon the other guys when They come to power, and they will be even more able to do whatever they want to do because they Too will feel that what they want to do will be the Right thing to do! And your feeble yelps of 'not fair' or even funnier (by that time) 'that's not constitutional!' will fall on deaf ears.
And in that time you will find yourself at the mercy of the political power of the other side of the aisle... so ask yourself now, how will you feel then, and what you wouldn't then give if you could just go back in time to our time, to today, and say - (or in other words vote) - Stop!
If you don't do that today, then when some seemingly distant tomorrow becomes today - and in the blink of an eye it will - the opportunity may very well be gone.
The Constitution - use it - or lose it!..."
The amazing thing is that when I ask them that, often face to face, they are taken aback... jaw drops and works silently for a moment, they are surprised, not having thought of that before.
It's not encouraging. They either are in such a thorough habit of never thinking even two steps ahead... or else they are expecting that once they're people are in power, their people will not relinquish it.
Gonna be an interesting next few years.