Thursday, August 19, 2010

Acceptable Usage

Here's a quote I'm sort of surprised by the directness of:

"Anyone who has ever worked with an affirmative action negro knew what to expect from Obama; ignorance, arrogance, laziness and a sense of entitlement."

It is a comment at American Thinker on a post entitled:  "Just How Smart is Obama?"

I'm assuming this will be taken as "racist". At least by the race hustlers and other enemies of culture.

But, after all the attacks on me, my friends, my colleagues, my brothers & sister Conservatives and fellow Tea Party Patriots about how racist we are, about how the mere mention of race, or acknowledgment of race, or thoughts about race—by WHITE people—makes us howling hateful racists, I'm getting a little less sensitive about calling a spade a spade, if you take my meaning.

So...while I might have phrased it another way, I'm thinking I pretty much agree with the sentiments expressed by Buddyy44.

(At least I would have capitalized "Negro". Proper noun and all that.)

The Gunslinger
(Zombie Killer)

1 comment:

  1. Someone told me "cracker" came from "Whip-Cracker", which I presume references whipping slaves.

    You think that's true?
