Saturday, July 31, 2010


I just got a call from one of my Leadership Team members (of the local political group I formed) with the ironic: "Congratulations on your ascendancy to Pure Founder Status!"

We both laughed and a deep sense of relief washed over me once again.

24 Hours Earlier...

We had our regular bi-weekly leadership meeting and LS, the man who has been acting in the capacity of Director's Helper....or putting into effect my ideas...of the group, but who really does all the managing and directing for the group—announced that he was thinking of running for school board, and that if he won, he would necessarily have to scale back his involvement in our group....and he just wanted to let us know well in advance.

Everyone in the room made the correct sort of approval and support noises, except me, who, perhaps best understood what losing this individual would mean for the group!

And I'm thinking not just "no!", but "Hell No! This is a TERRIBLE idea!"

As we chatted further, it came to me in a blinding flash—the solution totally clear...and it had only been brought on by LS's announcement - thank God he made it just then, or we might have limped on in twilight limbo for several more months.

You see, the "management" of a political group is just not my forte. I'm a landscaper who hates gardening:  I loved creating my garden, but I have no desire to putter around in it on a regular basis, maintaining it. I'm not a gardener. Boring!

I  enjoy—and apparently am good at—inspiring people into an organized group for a political purpose. It is the creating, forming, and growing it into a living entity that I'm good at. (I've done it twice, actually...and when I stop and think about it, that's pretty impressive. Not something most people do.)

But the rest....not so much. (I also think of it as liking the business that creates the children, but not so high on actually raising them!)

So, faced with both realizations 1) LS, the good manager, might leave; and 2) I hate managing; I resigned as "Director" of the group and designated LS as my successor. He already effectively does most of the "managing" because he's good at it, and likes to do it - but does it in the capacity of "helping me out". I realized he should be officially recognized, and enjoy the rank and authority of his effective responsibility.

He worried that I felt cornered by his election announcement, and forced into the decision. But I could see he was happy with the offer. And was totally willing to take on the job. (Which would end the nonsense of running for school board and deserting the group!)

I could only do my best to assure him that what I felt was relief, not pressure.

The others were a little disconcerted, I think, by the apparent spontaneity of my decision, but it was actually the culmination of concerns and  issues that have been growing in my mind for quite a while now. As the organization required agendas, activities, intergalactic communications...once it required "management" as well as "leadership" became much less enjoyable for me. Joy and enthusiasm became pressure and stress.

But the problem has been solved.

My title was Founder/Director. LS's card will now say "Director".

And mine will say only:  Founder.    

"Ascendancy to Pure Founder Status"

The group has a smart, effective, dynamic Director/Manager who will take it through its next phase of growth and strengthen it into the future....and I still get the credit and status as Mom/Founder/Creator.

Pretty good deal.

And I still get to go to all those leadership meetings where they serve all the best food.

Sometimes life is good.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Yes, creating is always more fun that maintaining.

    Glad you found a solution!
