Thursday, July 29, 2010


I bought this Ka-Bar:

and this Katana:

And I just ordered two sets of throwing knives...Gil Hibben, which I understand to be the "real thing". They're very sexy...all steel and shiny. Yep, I like 'em.

I'm going to have my handyman (no really...he is...) build me a big old plywood backdrop for my backyard...and hope my neighbors don't freak out if/when they see me throwing knives at it.

Now that I don't smoke....I need a goddamned hobby.

Heh, heh.

The Ka-Bar is for under my pillow.

And the Katana is just to display and admire. It's on the mantle.

I smooth it out of its scabbard—which has lovely mother-of-pearl inlay—a couple times a day, and just enjoy the solid, balanced feel of it in my hands.

It's long, lean, hard, deadly.

Just the way I like my...

Oh, wait...did I say that out loud?

The Gunslinger


  1. Yep. All kinds of things to keep your hands occupied other than smoking.

  2. I like 'em all, put I'm partial to Katanas. Next, you'll need a Wakizashi, and after that a Tanto.

    The scabbard for a katana is called Saya.

    The Book Of Five Rings, (Go Rin No Sho) by Miyamoto Musashi...circa required reading for anyone who owns a Japanese blade.

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sleeps with a blade under my pillow, and yes, you did say that out loud. Cool with me.

    I use to throw Shuriken at a big wood fence in my backyard. Too much fun.

  3. See books and or videos by Pete Kautz for knife throwing.

    Katana, if you are truly interested in learning a sword art the best book out there is by Hugh Knight and is available at for relatively cheap. “The Knightly Art of the Longsword”. I have read a lot of books on the subject and teach the German style of hand and a half sword. This is easily the best book out there. Don’t let the photos of Hugh put you off. I have met the man and seen him move, he knows his stuff. Yes this is a European style for an oriental blade but it will get you up to speed faster than anything I can think of and the style should easily work for you.

    A. Nonny Mouse

  4. EXCELLENT! Thanks for all the recommendations, I will totally check them out. I know a little about guns, but not much about blades...and this really helps!
