Michelle Malkin details Mexico's immigration laws - as Calderon attacks Arizona as Nazis for defending our border.
Through the looking glass. That's where we are, people.
Honestly, I worry the Ă˜bama regime is leading us into civil war.
Through either Balkanization through "Multiculturalism" or by their outright treason & premeditated destruction of our country.
I just don't see how we can avoid it.
Our "leaders" are virtually insane. They are so blinded by hatred of this country that they are without the ability to think or act rationally.
This is not even a question of what's right or wrong, it's a question of being able to distinguish fantasy from reality.
This regime and its zombies appear unable to do so.
They hate America as intolerant, but give a pass to Islamofascists. They hate America as exclusive, but give a pass to Mexico's harsh immigration practices. They hate America as racist, but only because most of its people are White! They believe everyone has a right to "the American Dream", but steal from those working hardest for it. They decry joblessness, but condemn and hamper the job-creators. They cry "fairness!" and pass laws that institutionalize discrimination and favoritism.
They are liars, cheats & thieves, yes. But they are also psychotic: unable to recognize cause and effect, distinguish truth from fiction, science from ideology, faith from superstition, good from evil.
And they are in charge. I just know one thing: Whatever's coming, it's not going to be pretty.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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