I don't guess anyone reading this is unaware of the final goal of the Nancy Pelosi's of the world. But just in case you doubted for a moment that this raw bitch wants her claws in every inch of your life....
...check out her admission that this gargantuan, unconstitutional, nanny-state, tyrannical healthcare bill they're trying to shove down the gullets of a resisting American People...
As horrid, intrusive, freedom killing, job killing, tax raising..as it is, it is not yet TOTAL CONTROL over the most intimate details of your life. Therefore, Nancy is not happy. Nor will she be until the Progressive bureaucratic apparatchicks are running every jot and tittle of your world.
I suggest you rent "Brazil" to see just what she has in mind.
The Gunslinger
Puking at the thought.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Sorry,Gunny,I beg to differ about characterizing Pelosi as a "Nazi"...never thought I'd say it,but I think it insults Nazis...What I mean,is that she is such a typical namby-pamby low-level corrupt politician.In 2006,I was amazed that her,Reid,Frank,and Dodd had become "leaders of the majority Party in Congress"...how low the standards had become! Gimmee Tip O'Neil anyday! Have our standards of criminals gone so low? Guess they have,considering the Ronco-type spokesman currently in the White House nowadays,with his invitation-only pre-fab "public" appearances lately. What a sad sham...color me a "mugwump" (recently read a book of Mark Twain interviews titled "Mainly The Truth".I laughed,I cried...)