There is something about ME-shell Øbama that I find creepily unattractive. Yes, she has that sort of "hulking" posture tall women sometimes adopt. And she never looks like her clothes actually FIT her in the way they should on someone who has access to the tailor/dressmaker of her dreams 24/7.
And yes her teeth are too big...they sort of push out so that it looks like it would be an actual effort to keep her mouth closed over them.
And yes, her eyes are deep set, and in some photos appear to be different sizes, which contributes to the lack of balance - and hence the lack of beauty - of her features.
And over all she has a bit of a flat face, like a pug. The apples of her cheeks and the end of her nose are very nearly on the same plane.
But, here's the real thing…
On the picture below, Barry and 'Shell are both smiling. If you cover up the 'Bamster's face below the eyes, you can see the smile reaches his eyes. He's really smiling.
Now, do the same to ME-shell. Her eyes, when viewed alone - without the rictus mouth - look angry.
There's a disconnect between the expression of her mouth and that of her eyes. It's unsettling. And hackle-raising. If only on a sub-conscious level. And that's creepy.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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