Friday, January 01, 2010

Too Many Missed the Redemption Boat

Bambi's buddies from the Weathermen and Code Pink embarrass themselves in Cairo.

Sigh....I hate to admit it, but I'll be glad when most of my generation is dead.

America might just have a chance, finally.

The Gunslinger
Reformed Child of the 60's


  1. Had a rather long comment but did it in word to edit and spell check. Your site won't let me copy and paste to it. Suggestions?

    A. Nonny Mouse

  2. Tho a "second-generation Hippie" (1974-1976) myself,I did learn some lessons from Emmett Grogan's (ex-Digger who od'd,the dumbass) "Ringolevio" book early on (Beware of Radical Hustlers!).The folks I've known who were in the original group (i.e.,the ones who didn't o.d. or burn out) learned Life's Lessons,and "joined the Human Race"=Steely Dan's "Kid Charlemagne")just laugh at these idiots.They are SO much more embarassing in trying to perpetuate their Youth Angst than our own grandmas and grandpas....These Few,these un-happy Few,never learned how not to accept wisdom that comes with Age...they just try to perpetuate an adolescent "I hate Mommy and Daddy/Authority Figures",while kissing the asses of mass-murderers like Che Guevera/Mao/Stalin/Chavez/Islamic Jihadists...they need a spanking,but NEVER put themselves in a fight against truly totalitarian figures.They are stuck in a re-run of a 2-year-old's tantrums against a parent-figure they know will never put a bullet thru their head...

  3. Love your blog! It's been nice having a few days off from writing/calling/faxing the idiots in Washington. Sure will be glad when the Obummer gets defeated. Hope we have an America left.

    This year is going to be crucial. We need to get rid of as many Dems as possible, especially this Kennedy seat election coming up in a couple of weeks. If we get a Republican in there they lose their No Filibuster thing and we'll have just a tad of control back! We're coming for you, Scumbags, and we're really angry!

  4. When will these idiots learn that Israel has one of the largest and well prepared militaries in the world? I just wish that they would go ahead and take the safeties off of them and let them wipe out all these retards in one final volley. They also have many of their citizens that are armed at all times in preparation to defend their homeland at all times. For this is the only reason why this little country surrounded by its enemies has survived as long as it has. This is a lesson that we as Americans should be learning from them. I am a firm believer that "an armed society is a very polite society". A very painful lesson that the ragheads are going to learn if they continue to keep tempting fate. Its amazing to me how people continue to believe that their is a chance for peace in the middle east. Their can be no peace when you are dealing with jihadists mentalists that believe they will have more glory in death than in life. Their mentality is taught to generation after generation, however the arguement is always brought up that they aren't all like that. I say BULLSHIT the muslim faith is based on one of hate and death, If it looks like a duck waddles like a duck and quacks: guess what class? yes its a duck. If it has a rag on its head, reads the koran and carries explosives it is a: TARGET. Diplomacy and peaceful resolutions only work when your dealing with people that are willing to listen. TAKE AIM IN 2010 AND FIRE!......................

  5. Isn't it amazing how long it took zero to figure out that there are terrorists trying to blow up planes?! Wow we are in worse trouble than anyone ever thought we were. Amazing how this administration has learned nothing from the past, or is it just that it took someone that long to finally convinced him a week later that it wasn't a student on a visa coming to visit, that just happened to light his pants on fire with explosives.

  6. Re:Kennedy seat election....The dirty little secret,is that Teddy barely squeaked by in his his last campaign,against a CPA who'd NEVER run for office before...the "Kennedy mystique" is such a fragile facade perpetrated by the media, It's really all a house of cards (I include Obama/Pelosi/Reid thing.My God...30% or less approval of Congress in every poll for the last 3 years,yet the media treats it as if there's an "equal division" in the country? Increased terrorist acts in Iraq,Pakistan,etc. recently,just prove how they know there's a eunich in the White House. Most Muslims hate women (the burkas are means of oppression),yet this administration keeps parading faux-Feminists (pampered elitists like Clinton,Napolitano,et al) as representatives of American wonder,that they scoff...

  7. As an added note to "Baby-Boomer" actions....recently saw Patti Smith doc "Dream of Life"....pretty fucking embarassing to one who was a teen-age fan,in the way-back...she hasn't grown (still dogmatic ranting about GWB,etc.),and never learned the lessons of Catullus, Rimbaud,Coleridge,Beethoven,et al... disappointments regarding Caesar/Napoleon/Stalin/Mao,and the folly of Cults of Personality,looking for the "Superman"/savior of mankind....Same old story....some GET the lesson,others do not...

  8. Welcome, Ginny. And thanks for the kind words.

    Guys, it's nice to know ALL my generation are not complete assholes. I live in California. It's easy to forget. We're generally surrounded here.

    I live almost withing walking distance of San Francisco. Bad Juju.

    San Francisco owns a beautiful golf course that's located in my town. It's been here for over 70 years. It's one of the best municipal courses anywhere, I understand (I don't golf).

    Now there's a HUGE flap because the Nazi environmentalists are having a shit fit about the golf course being intrusive on "endangered" species habitat. One's a snake. One's a frog.

    I'm not sure, after over 70 years, how that can be considered "habitat", but the EcoStasi want to close the golf course, and return it to "wet land" for the animals.

    I guess the increase in mosquito population, the increased danger of flooding surrounding residences (lots!) doesn't matter as long as we can save a snake - garter snake.

    I wonder how many my father killed in our back yard when I was growing up? He HATED snakes. His shovel was always on the ready, poor little things.

    Lucky the EcoNazis weren't around then. He'd still be doing time.

    ( THERE's a good example of A.D.D.)
