I know this is getting actually funny...
....but here's another nail in the moldy coffin of "global warming"...and that of the reputations of the "experts" that support it.
They're so desperate, they're using students' work and popular magazine articles as "evidence".
Does it get more obvious that this is a hoax of the highest order?
By a rabble of criminals who seek nothing less that total control over every aspect of the lives of the entire population of the earth.... the ultimate tyranny. Pure power. Perfect power. Consummate power.
Divine Power.
Like of the kings of old who claimed they got their power and right to rule directly from God, these mountebanks claim divine right from the Earth Goddess Gaia.
Not much of a difference, really.
The Kings of Europe claimed Divine Right in order to gain and maintain their life and death rulership over their subjects.
The Global Warmers are claiming Diving Right in order to gain and maintain their life and death rulership over the entire world's population.
Perhaps they should remember the various bloody ends of the original monarchies...
The Gunslinger
P.S. Instead of calling these dunces "scientists", and their rabid mob "environmentalists", can we come up with a name similar to "birther" or "truther"...indicating at a glance that the speaker considers them nothing more than loony conspiracy nuts? How about "Warmer"?
And can we disband the IPCC now? Have they been discredited enough yet??
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
Bet if they live here where I am they all own coats and that those coats arent collecting dust hung up in their closets. It doesn't take a genuis to figure out that its winter here and its cold just like every winter is. I would more than welcome global warming myself maybe they could send some my way!