Well, this is interesting. Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak says 10-12 House pro-lifers won't budge on abortion. That could cause grey Harry Reid and the Harpy Pelosi a real problem.
Let's be fair, he's a Democrat, so chances are he's lying, but his statement is rather a public declaration of principle...will he and the others cave in spite of it?
Maybe it'd be a good time to contact them to hold firm.
Of course, as Charles Krauthammer said, "they'll empty the treasury" to buy the votes they need to pass this monstrosity Christmas Eve.
And since it depends on "Democrats with Principles"...I think the chances are slim that honor or goodness with triumph.
Indeed, Stupak might just be setting himself up as the next Ben Nelson, holding out to the last for enormous concessions for himself and his district.
Politicians learn SOME lessons very quickly.
The Gunslinger, EOTIS
Para Bellum
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
The next lesson for these traitors to learn quickly is run for your life!