Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today's Highlights

Today's news stream is so heavy I can't even deal with it.

#1 go directly to and watch the ACORN video.
This may be the biggest scandal ever. Let's make sure our "leaders" don't forget it, don't bury it, don't ignore it, don't deny it.

Let's make sure that ACORN is forever denounced. Loudly. By Everyone. Constantly...until any tax money they are getting is stopped, and any tax money they have gotten is returned; until the appropriate people are sent to prison, and that this outrage, corrupt, evil organization, and everyone involved...right up to and including Øbama is ruined politically, and brought down appropriately.

#2 On a much smaller scale, but equally corrupt, is the real deal about the CNN poll of the "people's" response to the 'Bamster's speech last night. In the small print, it turns out the sampled over 2 to 1 Democrats over Republicans....more Slobbering Media corruption and lies.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted just before and just after the president's speech, with 427 adult Americans questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 5 percentage points.

The sample of speech-watchers in this poll was 45 percent Democratic and 18 percent Republican. Our best estimate of the number of Democrats in the voting age population as a whole indicates that the sample is about 8-10 points more Democratic than the population as a whole.

...Sorta like the laundry list of bullshit we heard from "Dear Leader" last night. I actually watched some of it because I thought I "ought to"...but I admit, I get a surfeit of ZerØ in a very short time. I had to toggle between him and some innocuous movie just to keep my gag response under control. But I caught enough to know the bastard was lying through his teeth for almost a god damned hour, calling The People liars, and anyone who doesn't agree with him, "partisan" and obstructionists!

You gotta admit, he's got chutzpah...nothing else....but plenty of that. And as far as I can tell, he hasn't stopped talking yet. God, the guy's ubiquitous. Which if his advisors thinks that's a good thing?

#3 Obama uses sniffer dogs to track down crooks, dissidents. Oh, gosh, I'm sorry...that should be CASTRØ, not Øbama. I have trouble telling the difference. :-)

#4 The cloture vote in the Senate to bring the Cass Sunstein's confirmation to an "up and down" vote succeeded with several Republicans overriding the "hold" put on by a fellow GOP member:
Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Robert Bennett (R-UT), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Richard Lugar (R-IN), Susan Collins (R-ME), Olympia Snowe (R-ME).

Could we get rid of these tools please, once and for all?

Two Democrats actually voted against: Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), James Webb (D-VA). I'd love to hurrah them, but I don't trust that they did it out of conscience, my first instinct is to assume they needed to do this for political cover back home, and they got it 'cause turncoat GOP idiots provided it. Call me cynical.

If you don't know why this lunatic, fringe boob, idiot, anti-American, anti-Constitution Sunstein should not be anywhere near the levers of power..let me put it this way, he makes Van Jones and PETA look mainstream.

But there is a small bit of good news:

1) NEA communications director, Yosi Sergent, leaves in the face of the scandal about using taxpayer money to pay artists to make "art" pushing Øbie's agenda.

Another sleaze-bucket, corrupt, taxpayer exploiter, partisan hack bites the dust.

2) And, I think this is a good suggestion. "Sunshine is the best disinfectant"...

3) 52 percent Americans disapproved of Øbamacare yesterday. I betting not much has changed overnight....despite what CNN's unicorn says.

WASHINGTON – Public disapproval of President Barack Obama's handling of health care has leaped to 52 percent, according to Associated Press-GfK poll that underscores the country's glowering mood as the White House made a renewed pitch for an overhaul.

4) Gutter scum politician loses job in California Assembly. Not only is he an adulterer, a sleaze, and a big-mouth, now he's a liar. Good riddance asshole. Oh yeah, he's a "family values" Republican.

Why is this under "good news"? Because every douche bag we get out of power is good for the Republic. Our job is to make sure we don't elect another one...and clean up the system to make it unattractive to vipers and vampires.

The Gunslinger
Enemy of the Imperial State


  1. Slingbaby, you've got to watch this stuff. Painful as it is, better to know the enemy. I replaced everything "heavy" close to the TV with a basket of socks. That way, my woman won't destroy the TV. She went through about 30 pairs last night.

    You're absolutely right about Sunstein...he has gotta go.

  2. As for "#2"...many pollsters (with agenda or in the pay of their masters) have front-loaded their sample-base for years (pollster Kellyanne Fitzpatrick Conway let the cat out of the bag years ago on C-SPAN).Did not waste time on hearing The Liar's speech last night,knowing it was ONLY a motivational speech for the Obamazombies,and his one and only gear is operating in campaign mode,NEVER in achieving any damned thing. As for Senator Jim Webb,he wrote a good book on the history of the Scots-Irish in America,and knows his roots,for what it's worth.Doesn't mean he ain't a tool,but...As for "#4"...I NEVER trust "family values" politicians who spiel squeeky-clean image.Anyone with sense knows that families are messy things ...I always liked Looney Tunes cartoons over Disney bullshit,myself...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As for the "ACORN video"...."shocked,SHOCKED" drollery would be boring and repetitious.The folks involved in this scam (from the top down) are of the same ilk who parasitically bleed every country from Venezuela to Nicaragua to Nigeria to Russia to you-name-the-country.They are thieves,plain and simple,not "socialists" with ideology.Greedy fuckers.THAT should be the root of the debate on any of these issues...

  5. Its funny that the loons are blaming Yosi's demotion on Beck, another clear cut case of being smeared with ones own recorded comments. Of course it had nothing to do with the stupid crap Yosi was doing. Wish Beck had as much pull as they give him credit for.

    Also I'm looking forward to seeing Stossel on Fox with his own show. Seems the libertarians are getting sort of thick at Fox.

  6. Wegelin & Co, the oldest private bank in Switzerland
    has just issued an advisory to its clients to get out of US stocks, bonds and shares.
    Google it, its a lengthy but very worthwhile read

  7. I did not get the link from google, I just looked it up and it is very difficult to find. Here it is.
