Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Øbama World Tour

According to Rush, Øbama is giving three speeches today...

...and blitzing every single Sunday news show. Well, except Fox News Sunday.

What is going on here? What is the matter with this guy? Why does he need to be on television every single day? And, did you hear his cheerleader act at his speech on 9-12, when he jetted off from D.C. on the day of the March on Washington?

It was creepy. Nobody will say it, though everyone hints....but it reminded one of nothing so much as a Hitler rally. Seriously creepy.

And then he gave a speech at the AFL-CIO, giving them a distinctly Marxist speech about how each person's prosperity is dependent on the prosperity of everyone else....the collective.

I'm not in favor of his going back to Washington to "work". I like it best when politicians are too busy to screw us with new laws they don't have to obey, creative ways to steal our money, and new regulations to make it more difficult to run a business, save money, and generally survive.

But it is a wonderment how he gets anything done, as much as he is on the road giving speeches.

People have said he's never stopped campaigning. But this is beyond "campaigning".....it's a friggin' World Tour.

The Gunslinger
Enemy of the Imperial State (EOTIS)


  1. I said before,Obama has one gear,"campaign mode".The asshole doesn't know how to do anything but talk. Even NPR radio had a segment on one of their shows today of how,while Afghanistan is falling apart and needs decisions NOW for strategy-changes,the Obama Administration is just TOO BUSY with "Healthcare Reform" publicity tour (with paid SEIU and ACORN attendants,of course)...And ,yes,he DOES need to be on tv every day,else he doth not exist! That's how shallow the Flim-Flam Man is.Surprise,surprise...

  2. Hitler was filmed every day...just sayin'

  3. He's living the life of a rock star. Complete with fawning fans and groupies. Now, if we could just catch him in the act with one of them little sweeties, MicHELLe would take care of him for us.

  4. Chris in KY16/9/09 10:59 AM

    I have thought the same thing about him being on TV EVERY DAY! What a narcisstic Tool! Oh well, I hope he enjoys everyday he has left in his one term Presidency. I truly believe that the rest of his time in office he will be a Lame Duck. The Dems that wish to remain in DC will leave him like a dog dieing in the middle of the road.

  5. skiriki - I clearly didn't think my own metaphor through. That's hilarious!

    Chris....one can only hope. Looks good for our side now. We have to keep up the pressure to make sure it stays that way.

    Because the Repubs will fold...
