Thursday, July 23, 2009

Actual Racism at the White House

Here's Øbama, making the assumption that white people are acting on racial hate...when they interact with blacks.

Whose the racist, again? Please note....the Ø'Bamster doesn't know the "facts of the case", but he still declares that the white policeman acted "stupidly".

How would you know that, exactly, ZerØ? Have you become clairvoyant?

Obama called Gates a friend, and said he doesn't know all the facts of the case. Nonetheless, Obama said, anyone would have been angry if treated the way Gates claims police in Cambridge, Mass., treated him. Gates claims he was arrested in his own home after showing ID to police who responded to a report of a possible burglary.

I don't know, maybe not everybody—who broke into his own house, and whose witnessing neighbors were so concerned they called the police—would be "angry" if the police made the pretty natural mistake of thinking he might be the burglar. Maybe he'd think it was embarrassing, and a little funny, and show his ID the first time he was asked, understanding that the police were trying to protect his own goddamned property. Maybe, if he wasn't such an arrogant racist, overly sensitive black boob shithead, who thought he was so important that he should be above suspicion...and that all the police should automatically "know who I am", he would have been treated better by the cops who aren't really impressed by that sort of thing.

Police say Gates yelled at the officers and initially refused to show his ID. Gates allegedly yelled “this is what happens to a black man in America” and “you don’t know who you’re messing with” before he was arrested, and police said he was uncooperative. ( read the arrest report )

But Øbama's got an opinion. And it's that race is the central issue. And it is. He's just got the wrong guy tagged as the perp.

Is there really any reason to listen this tin-pot Third World asshole at all anymore?

Does he ever JUST SHUT UP??

The Gunslinger
Enemy of the Imperial State (EOTIS)
Vampire Slayer/Cannibal Hunger


  1. The obama and Co. seem hell bent on taking race relations to a new low. Call me a racist enough, It loses it desired effect of kowtowing and silencing me. The next level is it makes me mad and dismissive of anything you say. So go ahead and play your race card like you are, and soon we can get to the bottom of the real issue. That obama is a MARXIST bent on destroying America.

  2. I have been called a "bigot" in print in my local newspaper for a Letter-to-the-Editor I wrote. (It wasn't racist at all, of course, just factual.)

    Needless to say, it was by a Leftist Useful Idiot...but still it sort of shocked and embarrassed me.

    But I got over it. My baptism by fire.

    I don't care anymore. According to the Left, I AM a racist, because I think white people have a right to exist, to be proud of their achievements and their culture; and seek to perpetuate themselves.

    What can I say...fuck 'em.


  3. I kid you show played this soundbite,and my cat Butters threw up.At least I hope that why...

  4. Good post Gunslinger. This man is a child of the reverend wright, soros, ayers ad nauseum. That a president, any president, would make these accusations and remarks (and so casually!) is informative. What's next?

  5. Let me first say that I am not a racist but lets call it in black and white! If everyone hasn't been keeping up with the crime reports in your local communist daily papers. The hate crimes against whites committed by blacks is on the rise so who are the racist now? The violence is on the rise I have a white friend who was attacked by 3 blacks while walking home from work. They asked him for a light he gave it to them then beat him to with an inch of his life just for kicks laughing saying that its a black world now! If this unprovoked attack doesn't open your eyes America it should! Stock up your ammo and get ready for the riots!!!!!!!!! Its no longer a question of where its just when? COMING SOON TO A NEIGHBORHOOD NEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. As a fellow academic, I can only say, "Thank you, Cambridge PD. Well handled".

  7. I heard someone, I think it was Jennifer Rubin (Pajamas Media?), say that Øbama sees himself as a "leader of the Third World", against the West.

    And it made perfect sense.

    Well, except the part about him being the most powerful leader IN the West, of course.

  8. Arctic Wolf, the part about the police being johnny-on-the-spot to save his property seems to have eluded this soft-brained pinhead.

    Next time, I suggest they let him get burglarized, or let his house burn down.

    But then he'd just hurl accusations of racism about that.
