Thus spake the BBC.
"Obama is a roaring imbecile". Thus spake the Gunslinger.
As far as I can tell, ZerØ's plan is to not impose "American Values" on other countries, whose customs are know like slaughtering children, stoning women and homosexuals, murdering "infidels", beheading innocents. That sort of thing.
Who DO we think we are??
However, he's perfectly comfortable imposing his "values" on America, regardless of the fact that our customs, values and traditions are entirely different from his own. I guess that's the privilege of Kings.
He understands that Iran needs Nuclear Power.
They're sitting on pots of natural gas, miles of oil...which will more than supply their energy needs for the next century. Why do they need nuclear power, again?
Oh, wait. We've got pots of coal, natural gas and miles of oil, too, yet we're having an energy "crisis". Maybe that's what ZerØ means. But, if that's so, why does Iran need nuclear power to provide cheap and plentiful energy....but we don't?
It's all so confusing when you're merely a stupid serf, who just can't understand the lofty reasoning of her betters.
He thinks the Jews are the problem, and if they'd just stop insisting on places to live—and, well, actually living at all, and give the "palestinians" more land within missile range of the densest Jewish population centers....everything would work out fine.
Oh yeah, and ZerØ is so upset about all this unsustainable spending. He's positively outraged. He said so. In a speech. And he said we've got to stop nationalizing HealthCare.
And he doesn't really want to run the Auto Industry, except for the "fundamentals", of course. Well, that and the designs, and the salaries, and the personnel, and the motors, and making sure his Union Boss buddies are satisfied. Oh...and choosing which dealerships survive, breaking contracts with bondholders, and deciding on plant closures and which (and if) creditors get paid and how much.
And, anyway, it's all just temporary. Just like Amtrak. The government won't sink billions annually into a failing enterprise year after year, decade after decade, pouring taxpayers blood money down a rathole to make sure the unions are protected at the cost of the welfare of the rest. No, no. They'll make it profitable. They're so good at that. And then sell it to private shareholders. Just like Amtrak.
That's as much as I can stand for the moment.
I'll get back to you after a good hurl.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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