Monday, June 22, 2009

Drug Companies "Agree".....?

What does this mean?

Why are private companies agreeing to spend BILLIONS of dollars to advance government policies?
What, exactly did they agree to, and what thug tactics did Øbama use to get them to agree? this just another of ZerØ's lies?

Why in the world should pharmaceutical companies be expected to spend any money beyond producing and selling drugs?

And doesn't this really mean that the companies have agreed to lose money?

Who would do that....and why?

If they have done so, I guarantee you, they were threatened by the criminals in the White House; rank extortion.

We need to stop these thugs ....seriously.... we need to stop them now!

The Gunslinger


  1. No need for extortion.They will simple agree to sell some 25% of their $100 drugs to Obambi for $50
    while selling us the rest at $150. Whatever drug companies are, they are not stupid.

  2. I see your point. But that assumes the drug companies are in control of this decision...and I'm not sure they are.

    Besides, that is not "spending" $80 billion.

    So either this report is a lie...or something else is going on.
